Nov 10, 2003 17:50
Do u ever feel like no one cares about u? thats exactly how i feel. I feel lost and confused and I hate it...I wish I could one gives a shit about me and sometimes i wish i could die,it hurts so bad. on a lighter note i sorta connected w/ my little sister tonite. shes really funny and enough though sometimes i hate her, shes really sweet. the only good thing about my day were the following:
1)when my sister nicknamed me Snookums Barthlamu the 3rd and I nicknamed her Boswelle Thurston the tenth.
2) When dad picked my sister up and while she was on her way, she flipped me off.
3) When I bashed her into a display at trader joes.
4) When she fell off a curb...kinda those things that u had to be there but whatever it was fun.