Mar 13, 2006 20:46
today was rainy. I loved it. the assembly was hilarious. wet bagels suck. another fight with mommy, of course.. over nothing? no more dance for me. I quit. It's over. I'm better. hah. conceited? no. self confidence? minimal? fuck you. I'm obessed with dancing. I don't need no teacher. homework = a lot. me no do it until later. I gots to get new pictures for my myspace. I feel weak. I am weak. the gym was good. I saw half of the city there. people make me mad sometimes. I love my friends. this boy kinda like makes me really happy. I wish he didn't. he doesn't care about me. I wish he did. I don't want to spend any other time with any other guy but him. I wish he knew. I think he's the sweetest thang. I wish he thought of me the same. roll out. so much money. roll out. you can't stop that. ludacris is crazy. I like being crazy. friday I will be crazy. friday I will be on vacation. friday I will hopefully be drunk and forget life. yay. life is forgotten for about four hours or more. yay. rompe is crazy too. sick video. I don't use that word sick ever. too bad.
murder she wrote. I want to be her. I want to be with him. but he doesn't want to be with me. that's not true. I don't know that. it's pointless. things like these are pointless. I always fall for gay ass things like these. never gonna work out the right way. always got my eye caught. always got to get upset when it doesn't work out even though I've known.
tomorrow I will make things better. I am better. I am better than this. watch me = ]