Mar 30, 2006 07:39
Kelly got her license. [bumbumbum] and she's taking me, and matt to the beach today around 11. I have this really big sunburn on my back from the other day when I went to the beach with shane and his friend kristina. we had a blast. burried shane in the sand. gave him sand boobs and a sand penis. It was quite exciting, might I add. [pix can be seen on my myspace.]
Last night went to work on a talk with marie at Jen and Kevin's house. This retreat should prove quite interesting, and in my opinion, very unsuccessful. I can see it now. It's being poorly planned. And I don't wanna miss a football game in april with Matt, for a poorly planned retreat. yep..thats right guys. I can't go to that football game, because of some lame retreat. blah. Not that I really like football or know anything about it. I dont. But going to a game could be fun. =]
I've been productive this whole spring break and it's almost impossible to fit anything else in there!! I'm always on the gogogogo!
It's crazy. really. I have some blisters on my toes. serves me right for wearing Michelle's flip flops that she left here. That's right Michelle. I wore them. But I learned my lesson. My toe feels funky. It has the biggest blister ever. You must have it on attack mode?
"If leanne's feet come anywhere near know what to do." mmhmm. You set me up. Bitch. Just kidding Michelle, I love you.
But anyways guys, that would be all for now.