May 16, 2005 18:20
Woo monday? No. It went by fast. This morning I woke up at 6:06 very confused. And then I got ready and left and did behind the wheel. wosadofooo!! Anyways! Then I got to school and Chris was doing his geometry and I had to finish mine. And I decided not to copy his cuz last time I did, he got like everything wrong and I ended up doing it and he copied mine. What a waste :).
1st hour- Geometry. We ended up NOT turning in our sheets and I was pissed, until we went over it and I pretty much missed half the page. Then we took notes and had another worksheet...which i UNDERSTAND so this is interesting.
-walked with chris back to our lockers...and I don't remember anything we said to eachother. I just remember looking at his finger. and him telling me a story about his sister and a note. hahah she's cuteee.
2nd hour- I READ MY "A DAY IN THE LIFE..." OUT LOUD! woo! I volunteered and then I made everyone else feel bad who didn't volunteer. that class went by uber fast.
-walked with sarah and bethany. don't remember anything we talked about. except I know it was about some person and how none of us liked them very much. I do believe I have the worst memory ever.
3rd hour-Graded our homework. I finished both sides of the worksheet in class as we were going over it, and to my surprise, Senora didn't walk around and check our papers for completion!! So i got away with it. And I didn't listen to anything after we graded our homework. but I have a worksheet and I brought home my workbook but I'm not quite sure I need it. and I think she said something about a test? Oh well.
-walked to my locker. I think by myself. I can't remember if Jon walked with me today.
4th hour-DEAN RUNNING. Wasn't anything good...but Sarah and I decided to write a note to eachother...and it was mostly just us writing oh. and then saying our answer out loud and then writing some random answer down and showing the other while we said it. It was very interesting. Then she wrote down some lyrics that said, and I quote, "Laura, oh Laura, I have used all I still love of the you! space!" and I was totally confused and I was like Sarah this makes absolutely NO sense. and she's like it's that one song by Aaron McCartney..and I'm like AARON CARTER?! Yeah. and she's like it says (then she picks up the notes and attempts to read it) "Oh...nevermind" far the highlight of my day cuz 1. it was funny 2. i remember it happening.
Sat with Nicki. Bryan asked for 2 dollars. I told him no. even though I owe him it. hahaha. OH WELL! Then Nicki and I were talking about something and something really funny was said, but yeah. I can't remember. but we were laughing.
me-"who's someone she hates!?"
nicki-"i have no idea, its bethany! she doesn't hate anyone"
...nicki walks over to bethany...
Nicki-" no reason..."
...Nicki sits back down by me and then yells down to bethany...
then she started calling me *****. I wasn't to fond of it.
5th hour- My stomach hurt really really bad. and I couldn't stand it, I thought I was going to die. GR.111!!!11
6TH HOUR-WOOOO. vocab! GR! CRAP! yeah. We actually have to liek write everything out from the back of the book. crap!
7th hour- OKAY! hahah! So we had to do this exercise where we held our breath for 20 seconds while the back of our throat was open? and I attempted this and then Sarah's throat made the WEIRDEST noise ever. and I couldn't contain my I like tried muffling my laugh so it came out a squeek..and then Lauren was behind me and she started laughing...and then everyone was staring at me. so i just held my mouth open and laughed. THEN after...Chris, me, Caleb, and Sarah got tickets for the OPERA on sunday!! woo! and me and sarah are gonna get long gloves and wear fancy GOWNS! haha! I'm really excited. and I told Chris that just so he knows, it's going to be a date for me and sarah and he shouldn't expect it to be a date with him. and he shot back that he was going on a date with caleb to the opera. and i was liek "YEAH CUZ YOU'RE GAY". whatever. CALEB DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IF HE CAN GO! SO EAT IT!
anyways. then I died. cuz my stomach was KILLING ME. and Caleb thought it was "womanly problems". But it's not, cuz if it was, I wouldn't be broadcasting it. And that's why I didn't knwo what was wrong. Cuz all of a sudden my stomach decided to feel like 4 elephants were getting it on in it like it was the last day on earth. BYE! I'm DONE!