[ you'll never find it if you're looking for it ]

May 17, 2004 21:08

Today is day number 4 of the internet-crisis at the Croom abode. But don't be misconstrued. Half of our computers [both of my parents laptops] have internet access thus my entry, but my computer, the mastermind, the primary source of connection, the reason for the internet's existence in these four walls. My computer is MIA. And will remain so until someone has time to take it to my brother's house so he can do immediate repair. He is far to selfish to take time to come here and help his beloved sister out.

Speaking of beloved, matty came into town and he whole-heartedly approved of the cuisine at el cerro. More importantly Beloved is playing at the soapbox this friday. i do not encourage you people to come out because the show will sell out therefore reducing my chances of attendence. so by all means STAY HOME!

Just as important, Eddie took me to dinner and to see Troy on Saturday. The movie made me entirely too nostalgic for the works of Homer which i was much more acquainted with years ago.

Then Eddie accidentally stepped on a toad on our way into his house. It wasn't dead though and while i was too busy laughing at the sheer horror of such an incidence, Eddie was fumbling through the garage for some device of assassination. A machette, a hammer, no! A tupperwear Cooler. Not my instrument of choice, but then again I've never had to kill a toad that i stepped on. GOOD JOB EDDIE!

His family is hilarious. I walked into his house and his dad was laying under the computer table. I assumed he was taking a nap down there. Which, is not too farfetched. [he was fixing the computer] The hampster was rolling around in its respective plastic ball. Eddie's mom insisted that Mara put the hampster in his cage "before he has a heart attack." I just imagine 'Otis' strolling around until his heart imploded and then the ball was covered in a nice coat of hampster guts. Then me, eddie, mara and the dog sat on the couch and watched King Ralph.

Dad's super mad at me today for not going to church for the past 3 weeks. I've hesitated to bring up the fact that i wont be going to church for the next six years [probably] but i think he'd fall into a heap and cry.

Here is a cute story about my family. I'm eating my Spagetti while watching Ms Doubtfire and mom leans her head into the din and says "Anna do you want me to bake a cake?" and my reply "Do I ever!" and then she shuffles around the kitchen and then i hear a big sigh. "Anna i guess i cant make any cake because your father has been eating the icing"

and then thirty minutes later my dad comes home with a new tub of icing intending to replace the one he had eaten from without my mom knowing.

The cakes in the oven right now. I lost one of my fingernail clippings to the carpet while I was cutting my nails. I cant think of anything to write in the book eddie gave me. I'm graduating on Saturday. I have no first block. and a strict regiment of guitar practice begins tonight due to the absense of fingernails which hender the guitar playing process.

Also, brooks got a haircut today by The Matt Ramey and while he says that the cut is really good, he claims to look like me. as if he's wearing an Anna Wig. And if that is the case I feel sorry for him because my hair is full of nap and suck as of late and also i feel bad for myself becaues i bet brooks is prettier than i am in my own hairstyle.

And now I'm off to remove this face exfoliation/mask/peel from my face. Did you know that the french word for exfoliant is discrustant? The french are so discriptive! and so literal! we americans blow ass.
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