[ who the hell are you? ]

May 13, 2004 09:24

How Wonderful! I walk into my first block class. And everyone is looking at me like....what are you doing here? And so it turns out that I'm exempt from that exam and I don't have to wake up in time to go to that class...EVER! AGAIN!!

So I high-tailed it out of there and I ran into James and DL on my way out to my car. DL told me that I looked both tacky and hott. And those are two things that I just really don't want DL thinking about me. So Im taking off this GOD forsaken skirt. It's entirely too short anyway.

Tonight is the Senior Reception. [YAY?!] After graduation I'm cutting my fingernails so I can play guitar again. Today is also Payday! and tonight I'm hanging out with my Schyler and we're gonna go see Mean Girls.

More updates: Tomorrow Matty from Beloved is coming into town with Dane. I am their official host to Wilmington. I am exhibiting my Sr Project on Welding at the mall [whoop-de-doo!] And Eddie informed me that he got paid a lot of money and so he can start buying things for me now! How sweet!

Ok NOW I go read my book until I have to go back to school.
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