Ohhh I wanna die in a hole >,< I've a runny nose and I sneeze like 6 times per minute (believe me: sneezing every ten seconds isn't funny AT ALL) -.- And of top of it now I'm adiccted to tumblr *predend she's not and runs away* At least summer is here and I'm verry happy bacause of it ♥ (strawberries, strawberries, strawberries! ♥) I already ate them. With whipped cream. And waffles. MWAHAHA. Of course I texted about it to my friend. She texted back that I bully her and she'll kill me next time she'll see me ;D) Anyway, some random icons.
It's high time I went to bed. Seriously.
* credit is always nice, but not necessary * don't hotlink * table by sql_girl * all my credits are here