Apr 21, 2004 00:32
i've been reading the expanded psionics handbook, sorry
perhaps he's busy playing with his "boom stick"?
I have an older edition of the psionicist's handbook, somewhere around here..I got tired of reading it over & over ^_^
well, my DM's announced that it's open season on psi... so i'm going psi
lol alright..open season as anyone can use em or ppl are hunting them? :)
yeah well my DM announced that uhh.... umm... shut up
both, Z.
.... I keep seein gthis news paper on this movie on TV and it keeps saying Transexuals
the in-game reason there were no psionics before was that magic and psionics didn't work together, which scared the shit out of wizards, so the wizards hunted down the psions
there's that latency cropping up again...
dag yo
hehe, yeah
so now you can use it, but you'd better hide it, right?
(in-game reason why it's changed? God of Magic and God of Psionics got together and fixed that)
now mages and psions are only creeped out by each other instead of in mortal fear of each other. heh.
what about the standard peasant?
the standard peasant is still, as always, *fucked(
hmm, I mean, how do they feel about it? wary, I'm sure, as do most about magic as well, but do they understand that there are psionicists and what are their attitudes about them?
i.e. "burn the witch!" or "damn psiwhatzits" or ?
given the rarity of psi, they're probably scared of it.
heck, our empire is pushing into a low magic area now. I hear someone used Magic Missle on an angry mob and they all turned and ran in terror
lol awesome
I'd kinda like to run a low-magic campaign, but I'd also have to tweak the monsters so that they wouldn't be runnin around slaughtering everything & casting spells left & right...
modified so that healing magic is available possibly..but very little regular magic...
Alchemy replacing pure magic to a degree, etc
Clerics would have basic alchemy and decent first aid skills to compensate for high levels required to get your god to even notice ya...
so that you could do magic & stuff...
heh. i'm trying to get a cleric to level 9 and then retire him so we'll have someone around to do the big heal spells
but i think given our crazy party members I should retire at or close to level 5 instead
that way there'll be an NPC we can buy healing supplies from. potions and the like.
hell, maybe i should retire him at level 3 since i can already do potions.
rather than risk losing him, and then have to start at 1 again =/
I'd prolly prefer to host a campaign in Krynn actually....course, i dunno enough to even do that ^_^
we play in a custom world our DM has been running for 10 years
are there Gnomes?
yeah, but no one ever plays gnome. ever.
it's not that we can't, it's just that no one wants to :)
ok, just making sure, as no self-respecting player would play with the gnomeless
if you've got the 3.5 player's handbook, why don't you check out the D&D section of the forum? that's the game :)
no time ^_^ plus I'd prolly prefer Hackmaster :)
i'm in this game and THREE online Amber Diceless games
damnit! my evil dead d/l is running at ...well, there it's back up to 2k/s...but keeps dropping to 800b/s T_T
amusingly, my character in one game is now chitchatting with an NPC my character in another game helped kill...
what do you play?
what do you mean?
in d&d, what are your characters?
back in the day I was always the wizard.
can you be an elf? or is that just your race?
between then and now, I played in a different group (where one of my fellow players from the first group DMd) as a fighter slowly turning Dark Paladin
those games were 2nd edition. my best mage got to level 8 (three way tie for highest level player character in that game)... the fighter got to 7th before I retired him. I got tired of being beaten down over and over :)
awesome, my riteks are in Atlanta now, delivered later today
i'm avoiding playing wizard for a while because the area is low magic, so i know it'll be hard as hell to get spells and components
the fighter is just a meat shield anyways :)
i will selfishly let other characters build up the magery in the area first :)
heh. i was a meat shield, a knight, a political outcast, and trouble magnet, and UNKILLABLE
a seriously high level guy was pissed at me, and I got him so enraged he threw me out the window with a spell... and I survived.
hell, i was in a standoff with a seriously badass wizard, and decided, hell, I might as well grab this artifact we just found... and it turned me into a killing machine, and I cut through like 10 guys and then beat down the spells on the wizard and gored him before he teleported out
(funny because that wasn't the DM trying to save us at all, he'd statted out the sword before, and he'd expected us to all die right then)
the sword?
ah, that was the artifact