Nov 28, 2005 07:17
Dear Mr. Sebring,
We are looking to start a pog club. Now you might not know what pogs" are so I, meaning me and my fellow pog enthusiasts, will explain it to you. Pogs is an intense game of strategy. The object of pogs is to accumulate as many of your opponents pogs as possible. Pogs are small circular cardboard pieces with various pictures of celebrities, superheros, etc. on them. There are also "slammers". Slammers are the heart and soul of the players, the essence of the game, the key to unlock the power of d'pogs. The strategy of pogs is equivalent to the strategy of chess! The character building of pogs is that to the character building of a good whipping. The loss of the priceless pogs that we (the pog nation) have gained over our years of playing is awesome. Please consider our Plead. Make the right decision, make pogs a part of Cherkoee spirit.
Cody Dyer
Luke Burton
Will Frye
Jacob Moss
and everyone else from our lunch period last year.