May 23, 2005 12:01
I feel i should give a trithful account of last nite as no one else can honestly convey it. Bare in mind this was a favourite band and the fourth time of seeing them.
The lights dimmed and that orchestral stuff started playing. All around me emo's little girls and old skool confused fans were all united in goin the proverbial sick. So suddenly all was forgiven in my mind, maybe tis could be ace neway despite te pathetic recent offerings. Then the band appear on stagde everyone screams. I vomit.
Is this a7x or good charlotte what the fuck. Why is Shadows wearin Axl shades n a baseball cap on back to front. What the fuck. Why are the rest of them dressed like trendy fucks having a bad day. errrrr
Fuck it. Image isnt everythin, in fact it aint shit. Its about the music man. Errr uhoh but i already know the new music sucks. Just to back up my point theyr eplayin a new song. And its even more horrible live, must have been a new sound engineer too because the levels sounded better when me n gibby used to play down stairs n record thru a computer mike up stairs. yes it was this bad.To make it worse the children are bumming it neway.
I go to the bar in disgust and sit down with a drink so the noise is quieter, but its still horrible.
Then i hear them playin an old song. OOhhhhh. They wrote them with screaming and everything wooo yeh
EXFUCKINGMOTHERFUCKINGCEPT HE ISNT SCREMAING IT. theyre singoing the screams, horrificlly at that seriously, and the levels sounds worse. eww
fuck off
i go over to the merch stand to ask one of the band hangeroners what the fucks going on.
Your hero carley-Why isnt he screaming??whats happenin
Whiny american bitch-Hes got the beest voooice in the world, whyd he want to ruin it with screaming?
Moi-DO you work for warner brothers or the band??
Scared looking whiny bitch-It has nn nothin to do wiiiith thaaaat
Me-Im goin to piss on them
so yeh its gets worse as it goes on so i stand next to lilly n luke n we all bitch, no scraming, levels fuced new songs are more horrible thn can be imagined, i wont see you tonight is pretty good. But still. Loadsa people leave as it goes on. i leave go round back see the rev, swear and piss on the tour bus.
Thank fuck mendeed supported