(no subject)

Dec 01, 2008 23:13

An excerpt from "Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation Into Civilization's End" by Lawrence E. Joseph:

"'Thank you, India. Thank you, Providence.'

Back safely aboard the Shark Lady, my mental jukebox played Alanis Morissette's edgy elegy to thankfulness. Her song challenges one to think of new things to be thankful for... metal cages, for one. The great white shark's indignation at having a gourmet dinner, me, dangled unattainably in front of its nose, reminded me of one of my favorite questions: If God or some other Higher Power in which you believed, offered to give you exactly what you deserve, no more, no less, for the rest of your life, would you take the deal?

That question goes straight to a person's self-concept. Most people say they'd take the deal, some agreeing so emphatically that they think it's a trick question. Of course! Wouldn't anybody? Folks who pounce on this offer tend to believe that their life, or life in general, is a raw deal. They would welcome "justice" with open arms. Others get pedantic and argue that by definition we all are getting exactly what we deserve, because we deserve exactly what we're getting. God is just, so however we are treated must therefore be just- that sort of circular reasoning.

Personally I'd turn the deal down in a heartbeat. I know I've got it good. Maybe better than I should.

public, 2012

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