Title: Not-so-secret Surprise Birthday Party!
Pairings: Tora/Nao; Kenzo/Aoi; Akihide/Daigo
Rating: PG-13 [this one]
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Humor, three-shot
Summary: It’s their beloved Master’s birthday, and so, the dear pets planned a surprise party for her…Well, at least they tried. But with all the gooey-sappy love, the unsaid confessions, and the steamy relationships-will the party turn into a disaster?
A/N: HA! Thought this one during Calculus time! Ellipse, Parabola my sweet ass! Written in advance for my super-dom lovely Master~ I love you so much~ gonna post the others next time~
“So…Tomorrow’s the day right?” Shou absentmindedly tapped his pencil against the notebook laid out in front of him. A low hum of agreement filled the room. “Any plans?”
The low hum from before ascended to whispers, uttering unsure suggestions, as if they were all afraid that something important from down there might be cut off if they said anything wrong or to the dislike of the celebrant.
Someone snorted. “Why should we even bother to come up with any plan?”
“What are you saying?! ‘Why should we even bother?’ She’ll skin us alive!” Yumehito, all androgynous and panic-stricken, flailed his arms.
“But Yume-chan! Remember what she did to us!” Aoi tried to reason with him as he stirred some not-so-pleasant memories from the other. And then, somebody else snorted.
It was Kenzo, who rolled his eyes. “She did something good actually”.
Nao pouted. “Of course she did! All you semes ever did were uh…” he paused for a brief while, “y-you-know-what to us over and over again! Of course you enjoyed it!” His chubby cheeks were reddening by each passing second. “You horny bastards!”
“Huh, as if you didn’t enjoy that”, Tora teased. Nao opened his mouth to retort, to contradict what the other said, but deep down inside, he knew he couldn’t deny what Tora said. Instead, he just pouted some more, and then pleadingly glanced at Aoi to help him.
Aoi just glanced away, whistling innocently.
“Tora shi’s right~” Daigo smirked, “it was a favor to both parties, ne Akihide-kun?” The small guitarist just nodded, too focused on the vocalist’s hands caressing his clothed chest.
“Get a room you two”, Nao growled, “you were supposed to be on our side Daigo! Not openly admit that you did enjoy what Master did for us! TRAITOR~!” he whined childishly.
“But then Nao shi”, Saga smirked, “I don’t think all those delicious moans you made were complaints.”
The poor drummer didn’t even make any attempt to answer that one. Instead, he just glared at the tall bassist.
All the sudden, Daigo had a mischievous look on his face. And usually, that spelled trouble to whoever his target was at that moment. “I’d say he’s just jealous Sagacchi”, he eyed at Nao’s reaction, “since most of us here are couples now, thanks to Master’s doings right?”
“Oooh, he hit the right button over there!” Hiroto chuckled. His small lips tugged upward as he struggled to look all innocent as he threw in his question. “But what do you mean by that Daigo-kun?”
Everybody smirked at the now uncomfortable drummer, they were all ganging up on him, trying to get him back for all the times the redhead played pranks on them or made them suffer with his corny jokes.
Nao sensed what was coming, and so he flashed Shou, his only kind-hearted savior at that moment, a S.O.S. glance, but to no avail. The tall vocalist just uttered a low apology, and then went back to snuggling some more into Saga’s warm embrace. The drummer then tried to intimidate, which he knew was practically useless, Daigo with a glare.
But unfortunately, that encouraged the other all the more.
“Look at Aki-chan and me~”, he rubbed his nose against the other’s affectionately, “and then Aoi and Kenzo~”
“Who said we were a couple?!” the blushing soloist violently interrupted. Just then, Kenzo gently held his hand and kissed it.
“Perhaps a little replay of that night would help?” he purred seductively. “Remember the French maid-“
Aoi hurriedly clasped his hand over his mouth.
“-and then Saga and Shou”, Daigo continued, “and Reita and Kai, Yume and Takepi, Hiroto and Uruha, Inzargi and Gou~”
Nao’s heart broke a little as the truth was shoved into his face. He tried to deny it for so long, tried to act normal for so long. But Daigo voiced his fears and insecurities. Almost every pet their Master kidnapped, bought, drugged, and threatened had a satisfying relationship with another person. Out of all of them, all that was left were him and…
He shyly glanced at alice nine.’s rhythm guitarist, and then he sighed dreamily.
“All that’s left is…” Shou taunted to Daigo to continue. Of course, the seductive vocalist purred with pleasure.
“All that’s left is Nao and-“
“KYAAAAAA~!!!” Nao, red as a tomato, squealed girlishly as he ran towards Daigo, knocking him off of Akihide’s lap deliberately. Hurriedly, he placed both of his hands on his pretty mouth. The reddish drummer’s cheeks were already so hot, they hurt.
Automatically, his head jerked towards Tora’s direction, checking to see if he figured out the little slip Daigo made.
But to his relief, Tora looked like the same sexy, gorgeous tiger he had always been. Watching him stand there, it was like watching Kira Yamato or Apollo stand in the spotlight, it made his heart skip a beat.
Everybody clapped in delight.
Soon after, the room was buzzing with voices, all thrilled at the thousand ideas and suggestions their minds made up. Good thing, Ruki, although small in size but had a hard-to-ignore kind of voice, called them all to order.
“Okay”, Kai began, filling in his role as the leader, “the party will start at 7pm. We’ll have plenty of time if we start today.”
“Who’ll help distract Master?”
No one dared to raise their hand.
Kai sweat dropped. “Okay~ But since Chie will also be there to help us~ I’m assigning Yume, Takepi, Shou, Saga, Inzargi, Gou and…Aoi.”
“Huh?” Two Aoi’s said at the same time.
Kenzo sent him a pointed look. “You do know that we’re a package.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “Well, no shit Sherlock.” He gestured at the lip-pierced Aoi. “I didn’t say Kenzo’s Aoi, what I meant was, Momiji Manju Aoi~”
“Eto~ who wants to go shopping for-“
Daigo shot his hand up. “Akihide and I will HAPPILY do it for you~”
Akihide smirked. Oh he knew what he was up to after all. He was such a kinky assed masochistic pervert huh?
Embarrassed, Shou coughed to get their attention, sensing the all-too obvious plan of theirs. “Ja, about the cake-“
“I’ll do it! Uuh, with Shinji-kun!” Nao childishly waved his hand, an excited sparkle gleaming in his eyes. Just then, everybody, except for Tora, grinned knowingly at him.
“What? Cake?” Saga teased.
“’Shinji-kun’, huh?” Aoi giggled.
The redheaded drummer blushed, squirming in his seat.
“What? It’s just that…I know how to bake a cake-“
“I know how too, Nao-kun”, Kai interjected, crossing his arms. Sad puppy dog eyes rose to meet the leader’s doe-eyed ones.
“It’s just that…I wanted to make up for our Master…and…and…”his lower lip quivered, “but…everybody else has a partner…”
Ruthlessly, Hiroto cut in his drama. “Why Tora then? I thought you were mad at him because hew as being mean and he kept on teasing you for your girlish squealing before?”
Tora was surprised. “You’re mad at me?”
Nao playfully stuck his tongue out at the blonde guitarist. “Are you even fine with that Tora shi? You do know what Nao is like in the kitchen”, Hiroto chuckled, torturing the drummer.
“…Just don’t expect me to clean up his mess afterwards”, Tora chuckled, amused.
Kai shrugged. “Okay~ Well, that’s settled. Hmm…Invitations? Ja~ Reita, Intetsu, and I will write. Ruki, Uruha, Hiroto will deliver. Ooh~! Make sure that Gackt, Testu, and the others are invited!”
“Aoi and I will take care of the decorations” Kenzo volunteered. Aoi blushed lightly as he nodded in agreement.
“Now, we have to make sure that this party will be a success”, Gazette’s leader solemnly reminded them.
Everybody nodded.
“This is a battle preparation”, Yumehito announced. “Dead or alive-it’s all for our sakes.”
“This is war”, Intetsu added.
“She’ll kill us if we fuck up”, Saga shivered.
“No”, Tora gravely shook his head”, she’ll torture us so slowly that we’ll be wishing that she should’ve killed us quickly instead.”
Everybody shuddered, each imagining what their own deaths would be like.
“Right”, Ruki said, “remember the plan.”
“Ready guys?” Shou inhaled, as he watched the nervous, serious faces. It was as if they were all preparing for a suicide mission, not a party.
“Okay then, move”, Kai clapped his hands, setting everybody into motion.
“And good luck to us all~”
A/N: Hope that wasn’t too bad! I’ll be posting the others next time! And the last chappie on Master’s birthday~! *snickers* I’ll be enjoying this fic~ Oh, and Master? Hope you liked it!
As for everybody else, REVIEWS ARE LOVED. Tell me what you think.