Rants not approved by Bill O'Reily

Feb 09, 2007 18:46

Ive recently found out that the head of Cartoon Network resigned after the episode involving the electronic devices in Boston. If you havent heard what happened, on 1/31, Boston police began receiving calls about blinking signs attached to buildings and street signs that may be wired w/ explosives. Turns out, they were circuit boards that looked like something out of a lite-brite that created the image of the Moonanite from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was part of a new advertising campaign, that brought everyones personal terror level to Red when they saw em. In fact, obviously the signs contained no explosives, however the people who placed the signs were brought into the station in handcuffs.

Whom do we have to blame for the overreaction of the Boston citizens. Who do we point our finger at as the subject of the paranoia. I think the media plays a part. If you turn on the Fox News Channel...o wait...its not Fox News...its the Fox Noise Channel. The reason being is that it anything but news. Its an attempt of Rupert Murdoch and Bill O'Reily to come up w/ any way to keep the American public scared of a terror threat to gain support for the War on Terror. Does it not strike anyone else as strange that Fox Noise is virtually the only media outlet left in the country still referring to the color coded system of terror levels. Like Islamic extremists will wait to attack our country cause we're in the yellow, or orange, or polka-dot, or whatever else Dub-ya decides it'll be next. Thats right, W. is "The Decider". Does that mean he gets to ignore advise from the House, the Senate, and the public opinion of America?? He sure thinks so.

And thats my post, for today, the 1,398th day since George W. Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. More to come, Later!!!
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