i'll never eat ice cream again.

Jul 20, 2005 11:32

i am fucking bored so here's a

The longest survey you'll ever fill out! Copy and paste this. Fill it out and send it to all your friends including the person who sent it to you. Do this because the person who sent it to you didnt sit here for ages for nothing. Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

Time started: 11:34am

Name: krista

Nicknames: kreeshta, candy kane

Sex: female

Birthday: 5/20/85

Sign: taurus

Siblings: 2 little sisters, 1 big brother

Eye color: brown sometimes green

Shoe size: 7 i think

Height: about 5'5" ?

What are you wearing right now: le tigre shirt, dickies

Where do you live: in a house with my sexy man in delaware

Righty or lefty: righty

Relationships: i got my man

Who are your closest friends?: katie was... now i guess lina and rach even though we don't talk much :/

Did you send this to your crush?: i don't have a crush

Best place for a date: punk show

Where is your fav place to shop?: thrift stores, dollar stores, online

Do you have any tattoos or piercing: 22 piercings, 4 tattoos


Colour: green, silver, grey, red

Number: 27

Boys Name: kurt :p

Girls Name: rayanne, monique

Subject in school: clothing construction, photography

Animal: kitties and snakes

Drink: beer, iced tea

Sport: no

Food: nana's baked ziti

Months: may cause it's my birthday

Band: nirvana, msi, bikini kill, le tigre...

Movie: house of 1000 corpses, the doors, the wall, the shining...

Juice: apple

Finger: umm..who has a favorite finger?

Breakfast: no breakfast

Aftershave/perfume: no

Favorite cartoon character: meatwad


Given anyone a bath: no

Smoked: yeah

Bungee Jumped: no

Made yourself throw-up: no

Gone skinny dipping: no

Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yeah i think so

Eaten a dog biscuit: no

Got your tongue stuck to a pole: no

Loved someone so much it made you cry? yeah

Broken a bone: no

Played truth or dare: yeah

Been in a physical fight: not a real one

Been in a police car: yeah

Come close to dying: yeah

Been in a sauna: no

Been in a hot tub: no

Swam in the ocean: yeah

Fallen asleep in school: yeah

Ran away?: yeah

Broken someone's heart: umm maybe

Cried when someone died: yeah

Flashed someone: yeah

Cried in school: yeah

Fell off your chair: yeah

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yeah

Saved MSN/AOL conversations: yeah

Saved e-mails: yeah

Fallen for your best friend?: yeah

Been cheated on? yeah

-- First Things --

Red: blood

Blue: bird

Autumn: leaf

Cow: spots

Greenland: grass

Cat: my kitty with fleas :/

Nickel: silver

Elbow: pinch

-- What Is? --

Your good luck charm: don't have one

Whats your room like: my half has lots of stuff, chris's side has nothing but clothes on the floor

Last thing you said: something to my cat

What is beside you: my kitty, phone, tv remote, advil, easy cheese

What kind of shampoo do you use?: tres semme or whatever

somethin that has happened to you this year: i lost my best friend ;(

Worst thing that has happened to you this year: see above

Had Chicken pox: had them when i was little

had Sore Throat: umm i don't know

believe in love at first sight?: no

Like picnics: yeah

Like school: no

What schools: easton and nazareth

Loved anyone: yeah


Eat a live hamster: no

Go to a hanson concert : if i was real drunk maybe

Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: yeah probably

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want to be with you?: chris, my kitty, lina, rachel, and can have katie back too?

If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: yeah


you touched? if my kitty doesn't count then chris

You massaged: chris

You Kissed?: chris

You yelled at: kitty

Who told you they loved you: chris

Is your loudest friend: lina


Do you like filling these out: yeah when i'm bored

Do you wear contacts or glasses: both but usually glasses now

Do you like yourself: sometimes

Do you get along with your family: it's been better since we live in different states now

Do you do drugs: not anymore

Have piercing below the waist? no

Obsessive?: yeah

Anorexic? no

Depressed? not anymore really

Suicidal? not anymore


How many ppl are you sending this to: whoever reads my livejournal

What are you listening to right now: the music on knight online
What did you do yesterday: played on computer, ate lunch, cooked/ate dinner, got drunk...

Hated someone in your family: yeah

Got any awards: a basketball trophy thing and karate medals

do you want to get married: yeah :/

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: be less shy, have bigger boobs, have a smaller less pointy nose, be taller

Good actor: no

Good Singer: no

Have a lava lamp: yeah but i left it at my mom's when i moved out

How many remote controls are in your house: 7 i think

Are you double jointed: no

What do you dream about: the other night i dreamed that i overdosed on something :(

time you showered: yesterday around 4pm

Are you a virgin: no

Last time you took a bath: long time ago

The last movie you saw at the theatres: i don't know, it was with chris before i moved here

Scary or happy movies: scary

Root beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: jell-o

Silver or Gold: silver

Diamond or pearl: diamond

Sunset or Sunrise: sunset

Phone or in person: depends

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: middle

Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: ok

End Time?: 12:00pm

i stole from maggy.
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