The quiet girl in English Class

Dec 18, 2006 11:28

Be forwarned, I'm definately about to talk about school in this entry. I'm also definately about to use my lunch break to bitch because of how upset I am about our just passed English class. I'm quiet in Reuter's class, I only say things when I feel like there's something decent to be said and also because he so enjoys filling up our time with his self riteous rants. Though that sounds like it's full of hatred it isn't. He makes his points and is a good teacher in my opinion, but I do honestly DESPISE how conceited he is and how hilarious he thinks he is. It's true that humor can be used to help us learn but when humor is turned into degrading self fufilling bullshit it is not longer as usful of a tool. Today he crossed a huge line in my world of beleifs and everything he talked about personaly offended me, made ME uncomfortable and really just out right pissed me the fuck off. I can deal with people having differening opinions and sometimes I'll argue just for entertainment factor. Today however I was not arguing for entertainment, I was arguing out of outrage and anger. We were having a discussion about what is and isn't cheating and he didn't tell us untill the end of class that this horrific story he had created was fiction so the entire class my respect levels for him were plumeting when he was talking about without flinching how he lead a girl on (even though he denied this but it's exactly what he was doing in his story) went to have a drink with her, let her be all over him drove her home and didn't say a word of it to his wife and also didn't bother to tell the girl that he had no intentions. His point in telling this story was that you don't have to tell a girl that you have no interest if it's already apparent (she knew he was married) and so long as you don't actualy do anything. WRONG, the whole situation was horrific. If any guy, a boyfriend or a husband had gone behind my back like that I would feel extremely betrayed, hurt and insulted. He slightly liberated himself at the end by saying that it didn't happen and he did think he would've mentioned it in some degree to his wife. I don't beleive that you have to describe every small detail of your life to your spouse or it's cheating but I do beleive it's cheating to openly know someone has interest in you, entertain that interest and not discourage it and then not be 100% up front with your partner that you did so, WHATEVER THE OUTCOME. Fighting happens, and with due cause it has a reason to happen, that's the choice your making if you conduct yourself poorly, that doesn't make the wife phyco or bitchy it makes her legitimatly hurt in my opinion. I'm not a control freak when it comes to males and I'm definately not one to say people don't make mistakes, I just think that the example wasn't a usful one to make in class and I don't think there was much that was degrading and hurtful to women in that class (I'm also no femanist). So I feel that in some ways if this upset me, it most likely upset other people. I know that it upset a number of girls in our class, causing a few to be in tears. And people around here wonder why a girl would ever be afraid of a commitment like marrige? It's because we're reminded so often of the constand fear of betrayal. So way to go english, way to fuck up another faith, cause tears to more people cause you think it's fucking funny and way to prove NO POINT that will stick with people but confussion and anger at the lack of organization in the way it was presented. I don't care if the school reads this in the slightest which is why I'm publicaly posting it. It's all honest and fair upset. And FUCK anyone who says I'm wrong to so harshly state my opinion.

Again this isn't a message of hatred directed souly to Mr. Reuter. More a realization typed out, that the school allows some pretty twisted things to happen within it's walls while prohibiting the more simplistic offences. Also, cheating makes me fucking sick.

My words are definately jumbled...I'm so mad that I'm not making a load of sense...but I think my point has been duely made.
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