here's to making a making a change..

Apr 22, 2006 00:16

My Fall 2006 Schedule

9:30-10:45am / sphs-A100 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE
2:30-3:45pm / sphs-S110 Survey of Communication Disorders

1pm-2:15pm / soc-S344 Sociology of Childhood
2:30-3:45pm / math-M118 Finite Mathematics   <-----this will be a good laugh
4pm-5:15pm / sphs-S111 Phonetics of American Speech
7pm-8:20pm / mus-X1 All-Campus Choral Ensemble <3<3

A change of heart...
& a Bachelor of Arts...
haha...a rhyme i made!
I am now majoring in
Speech and Language Pathology....thoughts on this..anyone, anyone?

From :  Sent :  Friday, April 7, 2006 12:03 PM To : Subject :  Declaration or Change of Major

This is a confirmation that you have declared or changed a major, and it has been sent to the University Division's Records Department on Fri Apr  7 13:03:18 2006. Listed below is your copy. NAME: Wilson, Emily                               
E-MAIL ADDRESS: emiewils PHONE:             School  Old Codes Prog.   Acad. Plan   Plan Description NEW MAJOR:  COLL        P72   UDCO1   SPHSSPBAPR   Spch&HearingSci-Spch&Lang BA
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