(no subject)

Oct 22, 2008 01:46


People I love who are currently in the armed forces: 4
Friends who are under the age of 30 and are veterans of the current war in the middle east: 2
People in my family who have been in the armed forces: 6
People in my family who gave up their lives in war: 2
The price of waging war: I will never know, until I lose someone I personally know.

I can't help but constantly think about my friends and loved ones who are serving in the military currently. No matter how many stupid things they've done they continue to be heroes to me for doing what they think is right. Trying to ensure the safety and freedom of people around the world. Regardless of their orders they set out to join the military with the intention of making this world safer. Whether they work guarding bombs in Japan, or pushing papers in Hawaii, or saving lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are targets for terrorists and war seekers just for trying to do their jobs. I am not saying that I agree with what the government has the military do, but I support our troops for trying to make a difference the only way they know how, by doing their jobs.
 I hope to never know the loss of a friend in combat, just knowing what they have been through kills me. I hope that the next generation will not know that pain, that the efforts of our soldiers result in peace, not more conflict. The government needs to properly utilize the military, not abuse their time sending them on 4 or 5 tours of duty in active combat zones.

The price of oil today: 4186 lives.
The price of all of the meddling: innumerable lives, loves, and friends.
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