things i hate.
-when the vending machines are on a timer.
-susan powers.
-when sprinkles are only on half the doughnut
-when the back of the hot-pocket falls out.
-people who declare they are soo in love, and are not.
-the same people who say that they are in love, and still call other boys "baby" and "honey"
-when ugly people call fellow ugly people.... ugly.
-i hate those ringtone commercials
-paying a jackass $50 per car.. to watch my car, and he doesnt.
-spilling drink in class.
-when you're really hungry, and they fuck up your order at the "drive-thru"
-that they spell through.. t-h-r-u knowing thats not a real word
-when people dont use lj cuts for pictures (thanks b)
-watching love movies, alone.
-knowing that i dont mean anything to anyone.
-when you over expose yourself, and you feel so stupid
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
any minute im not with you
i hope ill see you soon
theres just something that happens
when you walk into the room
and i n s t a n t l y i feel so complete
it hits me right about the time you kiss my cheek
and you give me this feeling
its like no other feeling
but it knocks me off my feet
please dont ask me what i like about you
cause its every little thing you do
and thats just the way you make me feel
and i dont think
that there are any others out there like you
and i wont blink cause that would mean
i would miss a second beside you
and maybe you know what i mean
or maybe this is just a dream
i pinch myself just to make sure
but im still here and there you are
i wonder why we just met now
it just kind of happened somehow
but here we are together and
thats all that matters in the end
you can never ask for too much,
cause id travel the world just to feel your touch
thats just the way y o u m a k e m e f e e l
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