Feb 24, 2005 12:47
so last night i had a kinda weird dream..
so my mom was in trubble with the british mophia and it was my job to save her... but the mophia had a giant... so they told me to meet them in a parking lot. what i dont realize is that my mom was being actually held captive in a truck... so i'm looking for her and i dont have any sort of blunt object or anything... and i find her! shes standing against a truck on her fucking phone! i said mom i here to save you! she puts her finger up to her mouth and shhes me! i get down on the ground and look for any sign of anyone watching us (there was tall grass btw) and i see this BIG FOOT right by the car. so i stood up and went around the other side of the car to yell at it. so when i get to the other side the giant has this really big like 11 feet tall bolt and he throghs it at me! so i run out to the way and collaps in more grass. luckaly... giants are stupid in my dreams... so i hid in the grass. then i get up and my mom and the giant is gone. so i get up and run and im in a trailer park, then a rich neighborhood. i run into this drive way of a really suntanned and platnum blond... ew... and i say, my mother is in trubble an i need a car... a fast one! she obviously doesnt like her husband so she lends me his ferriaie (spelling?) red... mm. i hop into the car and speed off... stick! i knew i was dreaming at this point cause i wasnt doing the shifting right... anyways. so i end up going to the burrito stand to talk to some... sorces i gues and they are screwing people out of their food. they were putting little slits in the tortillas... anyway there were these two geeks who were trying to figure out how to eat the food so they asked for cups to put their food in... ok... they were no help so i got back into the car and drove off to his really big weahouse
then i was woken up by my phone ringing... i went back to sleep but when i woke up again i had a voice mail and it was some idiot leaving me a weird ass message... most likely stoned off their asses.
oh well