today is the day...

Aug 11, 2001 10:30

jake moves into his new home today. at least he is supposed to. he's also supposed to have a show tonight, but they most likely aren't going to play. the guys at the skatepark, never got it organized. they're out of luck. i really wanted to see them play too.

my evil boss was trying to drag me into work today. he said he was going to call me later on today. i think i'll just call him first and tell him that i can't work because i have my gram's birthday. i wouldn't be lying... i just would go hang out with jake instead.

last night i went out with my cousin james, brian, and michelle. it was so fun. we just drove out to the middle of nowheres at 9:00pm. middle of the woods, it was pretty crazy. james is a psychotic driver. we're going 75 in a 35 zone, on a street that curves like there's no tomorrow. he was pulling fishtails on dirt roads when the road itself is about 10 feet wide. then he told us this story about a man who comes home and finds his wife in bed with his best friend. he gets pretty mad and murders them both. he hires a man to just cut that side off his house, and now a cliff lies there. so one night, a bunch of teenagers, like ourselves, were joyriding. they were going around 70 miles an hour, and they came to the cliff. they thought it was only a bump in the road and didn't slow down. sure enough they went off the edge and that was the end of them. they found the kids 2 weeks later and decided to build houses up and down the street so kids wouldn't drive so fast around there. the end. and then we're jsut driving and james takes us out to this road, and we're going like 60-70, and this road is like a huge u-turn, its a very sharp curvy road. and he sped down it and we were going into bushes and man oh man, it was great. much fun.

james started to tell me about 7 gates of hell. i guess its an urban legend to this area, bt i didn't know. and i guess a bunch of hippies lived there and they finally went crazy and killed each other off, and it presently haunted. brian actually looked this up at the library and said that the IRS had taken it over. but, this kid dan, went up there and saw a moose or a deer hanging from a tree. and other people have gone up and seen freaky shit. i begged and BEGGED him to take me up there. he wouldn't.
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