Cool comment from my brother, and SINTERKLAAS GIFTS YAE!!!

Dec 01, 2007 13:12

LOL. I asked my brother Luuk "Do you know the secret of Uranus?"

His reply?

"Yes, It's ASS-tonishing". Isn't that so cool?

Also, we celebrated Sinterklaas early this year because I'm always away from home on the 5th. So we celebrated it yesterday


A VERY OWN NINTENDO DS!!!!!! Luuk got one too. So okay, they're not lites. And okay, they're second handed. BUT NOW WE HAVE OUR VERY OWN DS-ES SO I DONT GIVE A HOOT!!

Pokemon Pearl, Luuk got Diamond. Actually, we were planning to buy Pearl and Diamond and agreed that I'd take Pearl and he would take Diamond, so we could trade our different pokemon. But we already got them and we actually grabbed the right ones. How's that for coincidence?

A safety case for the DS, Luuk got one as well :D

A really pretty green notebook with dark-green felt in the shape of french lillies. It has a black 'boekenlegger' (a ribbon to put between pages so you know where you are) and the pages are decorated too. It's really nice!

A chocolate letter from my brother :D there was no A so he took the S of Sister

A huge milk chocolate and hazelnut Verkade bar from my gramps :D

Some mini werthers, hmmm

A specially made bracelet with my name in it. Nobody ever has Annique things, so it was custom made :)

A turbo towel for my hair. I always wrap towels around my hair after washing it, because it dries so EFFING SLOWLY! But they always come off. Not anymore now :D

Previous weekend my grandma gave me some things as well :D

A 15-Euro coupon for the DA (Drug store and Beauté)

A big plushie of those Albert Heijn Hamsters :p my dad works there and he received a smaller one a while back. Now we're going to put the big one in the office as well.

A beautiful wall-chandelier for my room :D

I might be 17 now, and I might not believe in Sinterklaas anymore, but this holiday never ceases to make me happy :D

EDIT 2 DECEMBER: My other grandmother visited and she came bearing gifts too  :D  a pen with puppies, a calendar, a chocolate letter, and a 15 ml bottle of my favourite perfume (Pleasures by Estee Lauder).

I still have my first 15 ml bottle but it's almost empty, so this was perfect. They fit perfectly in my purse and you'll be surprised how long they last! And only 20EU  :D


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