Jul 12, 2005 01:59
ok so hmm idk wut to write. o yeah, btw i write in my xanga a lot more the name is xchitownshortyx and i mean i write a lot more. aiight well i just lounge around lately. I miss kelly like a bitch tho idk y but i do and its so hard. so yeah 2 days ago i went to the jp and justin jameroo and then every1 came to my house and we 2 stepped, got scared by an owl, cleaned my garage and all that jazz. haha rita went shopping in my garage. she took a framed picture of jesus and put it in her bathroom where jesus now watches you pee. so yeah me n rita cleaned that bitch till like 4 in the morning :) hard stuff and then we crashed. then the next day we got up ate cleaned more i went to work after i dropped her off. then when i got off i went to wes's graduation party. it was pretty nifty i guess. paul n julie n sum others left early but yeah idk well i was bummed i didnt play on the gladiator joust but i went swimmin n layed around so its all good. oh yeah as soon as i got outta the car, kellys mom caught me n goes well theres my miss tina i leave and u come,,,,,, i have been lookin for u everywhere so then she decided to take pics of me which i wasnt readii for so i looked like crap n posed the exact same oh well lately i havent been photogenic to ppl i dnt see ALL the time idk y. yeah n then at the party my life almost had like 3 tragic accidents im notlying or exaggerating either i mean like i could have ended up in the hospital and this amazing guy Derek like saved me it was so kewl and i guess we sumwhat flirted idk i feel a crush coming on but yeah he leaves for purdue so soon so im afraid idk but i love it i am now 100% OVER JUSTIN MELLINGER idk y i liked him?? but tonite i talked to Eric im ready to cry I miss him so much. I just wanted to tell him we were meant to be we both no it and I love him. Idk i would give anything to have never broken up wit him that last time. he said that he hates how we only talk when we are having problems with boys or grlz our lives. i miss him................ I want my kelly to help me with this one. sry guys its too complicated , eric asked about the whole entire robbie thing from day 1 till now which i think can be considered the end b.c he wnt ever talk to me again. which still makes me cry everyday idk y like i hate it when I go to bed b.c i havent talked to him so i feel sumwhat incomplete. like i never hear his input on my life. its so hard. I hate losing best friends. i mean like most ppl from chicago always give me shyt like ohh ur life is perfect i wouldnt change a thing. u have lotz of friends n the perfect life. but i hate when ppl say that b/c its not tru. idk n this summer i keep blowing off my friends and becomin the kinda person that is anti-social. ya no skewl starts less than a month, im not upset, kinda mad because no more sleeping late but thats it.the only thing that scares me the most is that i wont have kelly there. Im embarassed to say it but like im scared to start a new skewl year without her. I am gunna b lost n so many ppl give me shyt like o u did without her until Dec. it's gunna b ok but still I no its gunna b so hard and it hurts now knowing she wont be there even just existence there u no like lunch saved my ass from all the drama. i would have the shytiiest day n then see her n talk it out n it was ok cuz she understood wut i was going thru. ok well rita says that i write too much in these things so i will leave u wit a survey thingy. oh yeah tom. well actually today im having a surprise party for danny and his going away. so please come. idk ill fill yall in later. ttyl luv ya all-
tYna Bear
Which friend is the....
.: x craziest- Brittany Mack
.: x sweetest- Katie W.
.: x smartest- Danny/Kelly
.: x girly-Megan or Caitlin
.: x easiest to be grossed out- Kate
.: x blondest- Brittany Pasterkiewicz
.: x honest- Kelly/KAtie JAsien
.: x trustworthy- KAtie/Kelly/Jenn/RIta/Tara
.: x sporty- Pudge/Chelsea
.: x animal lover- Me
.: x computer genius- WEs
.: x xanga nerd- I guess Tina--- haha rita wrote that- ill keep it
.: x funniest- omg everyone idk i had lotz of funny memories with every1
.: x drama person- ughh rita wrote my name well britt
.: x band person- Josh
.: x person that always gets their homework done- Sarah
.: x flirtiest- Jessica D.
About your friends and past friends
.: x which friend have you known the longest? Katie
.: x which friend have you known the least? Brittany E
.: x who was your first best friend? Nicole Prokaski
.: x is he/she still you friend? she moved and we lost in contact n when i saw her 2 years ago she was a bitch
.: x which friend do you miss the most? o so many... katie/nicole/DALE
.: x has one of your best friends ever moved away? yes
.: x who has the most classes with you? this year idk but in marist twas KElly doherty
.: x pick one friend and tell one of your favorite memories: Katie and I sittin on her roof everynite bringing x-mas lights and EVERYTHING ELSE
Which one of your buds is most likely to....
.: x be a teacher: Kelly D.
.: x become a computer person: Wes
.: x become a stay at home mom: ppl say me but um noo.... KAtie J
.: x live life on the wild side: Brittany Mack or KELLY REID
.: x travel all over the world: Dezi
.: x become famous:KAtie/KELLY/ jenn me n rita when our band hits it big / robbie when he plays for the yankees
.: x fall in love before 20: hahaha all ov us
.: x become a sports star: Robbie LANGE
.: x not go to college: Justin MEllinger
.: x get married twice: im gettin married 9 1/2 times ill explain later- ask kelly
.: x have 4 kids: Jenn
.: x become a telemarketer: Katrina
.: x be your best friend throughout your whole life: Katie and hopefully kelly
.: x be at home doing nothing but eating and watching tv: seth
.: x be a serious business person: Josh GUnther
.: x become someone with a job that helps people: LuLu and KAtrina
.: x end up on road rules or real world: Tina---- haha every1 and I mean everyone put me so ill keep that
.: x copy and paste this survey on their xanga: me? no one idk prove me wrong
About You:
1 - Full Name: Kristina Marie Catherine Sheedy
2 - Nick name: Tina, Tyna, Bear, tYna Bear, Krisserz, Kriss, SHORTY, BABE, TT, Stina, and many more
3 - birthday: 09.08.89
4 - place of birth: Palos/Chicago, Illinois
5 - zodiac sign: Virgo
6 - male or female: Female
7 - school: Homestead
8 - occupation: cashier
9 - residence: Fort Wizane
10 - screen name: x2playboizfnst6x
11 - hair color: brown
12 - hair length: boob
13 - eye color: hazel--- they change
14 - height: 5'4 1/2
15 - braces: nope
16 - glasses: nope
17 - piercings: ears and soon bellybutton
18 - tattoos: hopefully soon its a playboy bunnii
19 - righty or lefty: ambidextrous
20 - movie: a LOT
21 - tv show: OC EVERWOOD, viva la Bam, Real World and a lot more
22 - color: pink
23 - band: they change by the hour pretty much everything rite now im listening to all american rejects
24 - song: Someday- MAriah CArey
25 - food: noodles and cheese
26 - drink: COKE COLA ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 - candy: Paralinczyckszskis its polish only my bffl no wut it is
28 - sport: baseball gymnastics
29 - brand of clothing: everything
30 - school subject: english, dance
31 - animal: a white furry seal and all cute and furry things
32 - book: The Great Gatsby
33 - magazine: Playboy - dnt ask
34 - eating: quesedillas
35 - drinking: nothing at all ughh i want a fucking coke
36 - online: wtf? duhh
37 - thinking about: Derek, Eric
38 - wanting to: sleeping see kelly and have a coke and a cigarette and see eric and derek
39 - watching: the computer cursor
40 - listening to: nothing
41 - wearing:short shorts, pink flip flops and a white baby tee with the fuckin worse bands name on it yeah thats rite apep, and a livestrong bracelet for MAtt, white sox bracelet, "virgin ring", bra, no bathing suit, purple polka dots on white thong, no bathing suit and my heart bracelet
42 - want kids: yes----------- lotz
43 - get married: yes
44 - carreers in mind: criminal defense attorney/publicist/playboy magazine designer
Opposite Sex:
45 - cute or sexy: sexy
46 - lips or eyes: eyes
47 - hugs or kisses:kisses or being held in his hugs
48 - short or tall: tall
49 - romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
50 - fatty or skinny: i like my boiiz with luv handles
51 - sensitive/loud: both like me
52 - hook up/relationship: relationship or hook/up depends on wut im like u no sober or drunk
53 - sweet or caring: caring
Have You Ever:
54 - kissed a stranger: Yep
55 - smoked:no
56 - ran away from home: Yep 3 times
57 - broken a bone: yup 2 at the same time
58 - got an xray: Yep 2 times every month for a year
59 - broke someones heart: yeah unfortunately but i gotta admitt ima bitch its worht it
60 - turned someone down: Yes
61 - cried when someone died: Yes
62 - cried at school: yeah i think
Do You Believe In...
63 - God: yes
64 - miracles: yeah I guess
65 - love at first sight: yeah
66 - ghosts: yeah
67 - aliens: y not
68 - soul mates: yes
69 - heaven: yes
70 - hell: yes
71 - kissing on the first date: if u dont then its not worth it i believe that u have got to make out wit them on that day to take a chemistry test
72 - horoscopes: eh idk
thats it if ne 1 really read it........................... luv yaz all ---xoxo bear xoxo
4 more days till kelly comes home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!