I'm not typing this from Seoul. I'm south in the quiet Korean town of Gyeongju. But last week I was visiting a friend in Korea's gigantic capital city. Katy and I were sleeping on his floor after an evening of drinking Korean beers and sweet potato alcohol.
My friend lives in a pretty quiet area of Sinchon, located in central Seoul. The streets always sound very calm after midnight. At 5:00am, just before people began to rise to get ready for work, Katy and I both heard screaming that was loud enough to wake us up.
Somewhere outside, in an American accent, came: "Help me! Help me! Someone Help me! Oh my god help me!"
It was loud and very fast, as if they were trying to get as many "help's" out as possible. It was paniced sounding, like someone screaming for their lives. It chilled my blood listening to it, and made my stomach sink immediately.
Katy and I woke up Eric and ran downstairs, but by the time we got to the street there was nobody except a few Korean guys sitting outside of a convenience store half a block down. We looked around a little but couldn't find anything.
I hate not having any closure on the situation. It makes me feel quite helpless.
(I'll post photos from Korea when I get back to the US)