A work in progress

May 21, 2008 14:40

50(or so) things I must do before I die. (Stolen from a friend, and kept some of her answers)

I want this to be the 100 things I do before I die.  Here are the 50 I've come up with so far.

1.        Retire before I'm 60
2.       Visit Scotland
3.       Visit Ireland
4.       Visit beautiful castles in Ireland and kiss someone in one of them(ideally a significant other).
5.       Get to 130-140 pounds and stay there.  Do it for myself and my health and nobody else. (this is something I'm getting closer and closer to accomplishing everyday.)
6.       Visit Tokyo, Japan
7.       Get over my fear of flying
8.       Get over my fear of water(see 2, 3, 6, and 7)
9.       Marry someone I'm truly in love with that I can sit on the porch with in a rocking chair at the age of 80 and still hold their hand and be happy.
10.   Be more spontaneous(it seems that I'm planning to be spontaneous by writing it down)
11.   Learn a different language
12.   Run/jog/walk at least a half marathon
14.   Learn forgiveness for everyone that has ever wronged me
15.   Come out of my shell
16.   Backpack through Europe
17.   Be able to pay for my children's college education so they aren't drowning in debt
18.   See the real Mona Lisa
20.   Go to Alaska and pet a moose
21.   Hug Al Gore
22.   Have hot wings and beer at Hooters with Bill Clinton
23.   See a live taping of SNL
24.   Kiss someone at the top of the Eifel Tower (granted I can get to the top and kiss them without throwing up in their mouth)
25.   Get over my fear of heights (see above)
26.   Go skydiving
27.   Take some kind of dance class, like Tango or Pasa Doble(I spelled that wrong)
28.   Live somewhere else besides the Nashville/Middle TN area
31.   Roadtrip from east coast to the west coast
32.   Visit Hollywood
33.   Watch all 500+ movies that one needs to watch or that I've always wanted to
34.   Eat better
35.   Go to Mardi Gras
36.   Have an old bloodhound, or golden retriever named Duke
37.   Make sure everyone in my life knows how much I love them and never miss an opportunity to tell them that.
38.   Donate things more often.  Clothes I don't wear.  Blood.  Money
39.   Try to be nicer and more understanding of homeless people.  Realize it could happen to anyone.
40.   Take more pictures and document events in my life much better than I have been.
41.   Ride my bike more often
42.   Visit a new city/state/country at least once a year.
43.   Practice random acts of kindness
44.   Make more of a point for my family to meet boys that I date, especially if I've dated them a while.  Not for approval necessarily, but just for the sake of meeting them.
45.   Have a house with a nice porch where I can put a hammock or swing out there.
46.   Live Better
47.   Save at least $1000 per year
48.   Read more
50.   Learn how to play an instrument
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