(no subject)

Dec 01, 2005 03:03

Once again another sleepless night, you know what…it so easy to stay up all night...the dorms seriously turned me nocturnal. My roommate and I stay up all night tempting to do homework, but lets be honest we are both addicted to facebook and the new albums, we even google random things, and pick through myspace. So once again its 3:00am and I’m wide awake, thinking, my mind is rushing with things I have to do/finish/study for.

We walk around our room looking for food, but all we have in our frig is dressing, cheese, and chi tea. We have a collection of stale cereals, and triscuits. We listen to music, serenade each other and gossip about the boys in our hall. She’s basically the girl all the guys want it’s really funny, we have a good time deciding who really is cute on our floor.

College really is amazing, its seriously the life, we have 3 worries, how we get alcohol, our grades, and clean clothes. I love college.

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