Nov 09, 2004 18:56
hey...alright so im sick! blahhhh.
ok well i went to school on monday and well i really sucked! my head was all like dizzy and i was e-tremly hungry and all. when i got home my temp was 37*C. yeah then it got higher and higher!
so i didnt go to school today. ok well we got new seats in some classes and heres my thought.
S.S-well i sit by kayla, morgan, jourdan mehler (annoying!!!), journad linsey(ehhh), and marie taylor (shes ok i guess....: / ) so i mean it could be better but its not like they are bad people or anything.
Math- well i sit by Luck!!!! OMG he is so annoying
-he sings aloud
-he thinks aloud
-he twiches his head
-bad breath
-makes (what he thinks is funny) stupid comments
im sorry but he can just get on my nervs
Science- i sit with Malina and Emily around me are Louren Lotan Rachle Skeen and Mr.Lacross..grrrr. yeah once again could be better..much better. and im jelous cuz shara, melissa, miranda, dane, and jason (nick use to sit there but he and joey got switched) all sit around eachother!!!! oh well.
English- i sit by jackie, melissa, grace, nich hite (jeez) marshall, and some other ppl.,
so there yago i got OK seats but they could be much better.
ok so now im getting better andi dont know if im going to school tommorow.
also my sis dropped the gigital camra and im really mad at her!!!!! i mean we dont have enough money to get a new one and i never really got to use it just like every now and then + i had some REALLY good pics on there that i never had the chance to download!!!!! my sis really never takes money into her thoughts unless she gets to spend it! its like the television got tooken away and i berly got to watch it and now the camra i never got to use! i personlally think my sis should get that money give it mom and dad and they can buy a new digital camra!!! but nooo. Yana you piss me off when you get so careless of other.
*Yana dont bother commenting cuz i dont care*
long enrty i guess