Oct 11, 2005 19:20
Sometimes when your not with people for a while it makes you think that maybe you werent as close as you thought you were. Maybe your only there to occupy each others time and have a reason to do something. People say things without knowing that what they are saying may feel like they are slapping your face. But the crazy thing is that I realize when I look at them and how they are, Im not really missing anything. The old times was great and I will always treasure the memories but people change and grow apart. This makes everything for me so much easier for my life. This year is a good year and so far has shown a lot to me about the people I know and those I will want to keep in touch with after high school. There is a few that I feel that I dont really care for anymore, maybe thats why I dont try to make an effort anymore. I know some of these people I am talking about dont realize how they are but Im sure they dont mean to.
On another note... for those of you that dont know, I joined the Navy. I'm in the deley program. And I love it so far. It makes me feel like I know what I want to do in life and my future is set.
Ummmmmmmm... other then that lately most of my time has been school, working out (PT), Navy stuff and with my free time I go and chillaxin with my homies which seems like almost everyday, Barbie and I hang out and do something crazy. haha Man I love her!
I miss my Summer Time pals. I miss Jessica. I miss Monica. I miss Darcy. I miss Victoria (cuteset baby ever!).