Colored Scans; 1 // Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
+ You can click the preview image or the cut for the full size.
--- This didn't take me too long, since this isn't my first coloring ;; Although it was fun =) I've actually been coloring more of Syaoran than Sakura...I feel bad xD; Anyway, this is my first Colored Scan post, with many more to come as well as icons. Just need to seperate some into different entries since I have some old stuff to put up here.
I'm new to livejournal, so I'm still trying to get into the swing of things. Hopefully everything'll come to me soon enough.
Enjoy! :]
Original Scan:
Here Character(s): C!Sakura
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Program Used: Adope Photoshop CS2
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