Jan 13, 2008 23:31
I watched the ball drop on New Year's Eve over Times Square standing around 53rd and Broadway sandwiched perfectly between my 2 best friends. One was working at the dropping of the ball as a police officer and the other as my trusty travel companion, as usual. Despite the windchill of 25 degrees and the mass of crazy people gathered to partake in the excitement, when then clock struck midnight I felt a sigh of relief. Whew. I made it through 2007. Good bye 2007. Hello 2008. So many plans, so many ideas, so much letting go. 2007 was not necissarily on my favorites list, but I have wound up here, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Yeah, it could almost make someone laugh to hear that, but it is what it is! Land of the cheese and beerfests and meat and a place a real man's man would call heaven. I love this city to pieces and it is so calm and seperated here from the city life I've come to know. Its calm and quiet here, and I am very happy to say the least. This is home for now and I'm not looking forward further than this. Contentment. If I could describe 3 words for 2008 they'd go something like this; contentment, happiness, motivation. Rules for 2008: Don't talk over people/interrupt them while they're talking. Make better choices with eating. Travel to a different country every month. Slow down and take life day by day, minute by minute, instead of looking 10 days infront of me. Be happy to be myself no matter what. Thanks 2008, for coming in such a perfect and timely fashion. I'm going to be making entries on this thing more frequently. Brace yourself.