Aug 11, 2004 18:08
its been a while, to anyone I ofended in my last entry, im sorry it was super rude and I was in a sad mood. :) But I have been so so busy the last past weeks with cheerleading. It so much fun and I really like it, its alot harder than anyone would think, and so tiring being at practice for like 8 hours. But the good thing is that im having fun. It sad that everyone back in Florida started school. I miss it, but I like it here. Some ways I wish I had like 2 differnt lives, I do if you think about it. But I hope all of you had an awesome first day. yeah I still have like 3 more weeks, I think I should start on my ap homework. hmmmm.
I really miss hannah, and I wish I could like fly down to FL to see her everyweekend, because even tho I didnt go to her school we saw eachother every weekend and were alwasy together. Im so gald that the move didnt stop us from being as close as we always were just made us closer. im always here for you i misssssssss you.
well kids im out. peace