weLl a lot has gone on since i last updated
here's the major parts...
- TuEsDaY --bBaLl gAmE wE w0n
- fRIdAy -- h0mE gAmE (wE w0n) thEn prAcTiCe tiLl 8 . me n SaRa SlePt 0vEr fElicIas . we rented ElF ( byE buDdY tAkE cArE-- d0n't eAt thAt (hiDeS, lauGhS, eAtS an0thEr) stArts clAPPiNg) good tiMes..gosSipiNg anD fALlIng oFf thE beD.
- SaturDay --i woke up WenT t0 the eYe d0ctEr. CamE baCk. gosSiped moRe. WaTcHed mEaN giRls. Sara wEnt h0me. finiHsEd mEan giRls , me n Felicia fell As lEep w0ke up g0t reAdy. wEnt t0 r0ger'S ro0st. then the De La sAlle Dance which was so frickin fUN!!! thEn my mom piCked uS up dRopPeD fEliCiA oFf..then saras mom cAme and g0t hEr from my h0use. wenT to SleP
- sunDay --laYeD ar0unD tHEn lAser QueSt f0r my Brother'S birthDay it wAs gAy me n my cousin R0chElle weRe the 0nly giRls then us and her brother dj were the 0nly onEs ovEr 12. but i w0n the Sec0nd gAMe! :D
- t0dAy -- w0ke uP..WeNt 0nliNe, and t0 hAnnc0ck fabrics..Fashion buG.. and CvS.
it'S bReAk s0 no Scho0l unTil nExT yeAr -jan 3rd- so exCited chRisTmas is tHIS sATURdAy!!!! i hAve gymnAstiCs thurSday and it'S also my Br0TheR's biRthDay so i DunNo iF im g0ing. i wanna th0.
weLl iM g0inG to go Eat SomeThiNg <3
cOmmEnt biiTchEss