Aug 15, 2005 15:34
I am sooo happy !! I got my schedule today :-D and I got Mr. Trolla and Shultez but I wish Mr. D taught 7th grade!!! Kelsie Darrin is in one of my classes thank god! And our lockers are super close!
Here's my schedule
Hart start- miegh
first hour -algebra - dosch -year round
second hour- wood shop - trolla--sem 1
second hour- global geo - schultez -sem 2
third hour -english - kowalski -year round
fourth hour - keyboarding/computers - urbin/guliolie- sem 1\
fourth hour- phys ed - dejaeger - sem 2
firth hour- world language-sheveren-sem3
fifth hour- science - rossi- sem 1
fifth hour- health -nedlonek - qtr 3
sixth hour -global geo - ward - sem1
sixth hour- science - campbell -sem 2