to my friends.

Nov 19, 2005 08:43

Dear Nicole,
I know we’ve only been friends since august, but I feel like I’ve know you for like ever. I really have no idea how I would have survived the beginning of this year without you. You’re like amazing x10. We’ve had like the greatest time together, like I seriously font think I could list them all but I’ll try. Ok let see, cheerleading, try-outs, myspace, Cole, freshman cookout, the first day, my first note at BVT, your bus, talking to random people on your bus that turn out to help us find our great friends, the four corners, photo shoots at midnight, missing the bus, McDonalds, Purell, spandex shorts, HI (need I say anymore for that), flooded basements, hot dogs in the microwave, KARAOKE!!, little brothers, Hopedale park ;), car pools, Halloween, doing each others homework, your perfume, the post office pub, the Millbury mall, Uno’s, your birthday, tumbling, your amazing round-off, 69-96-72-88, BLUE..WHITE..BLUE..WHITE !!, randomly singing to me, “YOU DON’T PHASE ME!”, Mr. L., sketchy items # 1-4, lunch time, 2nd lunch!, Simpson boxers, TJ Maxx, laughing until our belly’s hurt, The 99, thongs in purse, driving, oldies, oh man I could go on and on. Haha and who could imagine that our friendship all started online with Julie & myspace. All I really wanted to say is that I love you and I don’t know what I would do without you.

Dear Kelly,
I miss you so much. Like it drives me crazy sometime when I think about the last time we had a sleep over. We really, really need to hang out and have a sleep over like soon. Every time I’m with you I have a great time. Like Maine was like the greatest week of my summer, hehe I love how we ditched those guys. Haha and remember when we use to always walk to the skate park and then go to dunkin donuts and out annual Tuesdays. Oh man how can you forget the annual Tuesdays. Haha and like the time we were busting out to my Ipod the day the movie broke at the theater & then we ended up seeing bewitched 3 times. And like the time I was on crutches and you and Kara and Tracy and Pat and his random cousin took them and left me or like when we use to sing to the rent preview. Oh man I miss you like woah x10. I was soo happy when you came to my homecoming game and competition it was very exciting. And lastly I want to thank you for always being there for me, like when you would always support me when I was in “fight” (you know what I’m talking about). Well I love you and miss you like crazy.

Dear Sarah,
So yeah I know when just started hanging out, but all the times we’ve hung out have been an effing riot. You make me chuckle like crazyyy. Being your base this season was crazy, I’m going to miss you during basketball season, even though you’re only going to be like 2 stunt groups away from me. Haha yeah so we need to start hanging out more often and having Lindsay-Sarah nights, cause they always result in crazy-ness. Eeek! I lovee lovee loveee going to the mall and having creepy magic guys chat with us !! I also love b-e-dazzling our cellular devices, taking random pictures on the way home from cheerleading, wearing matching underwear!, and oh so much more. Well I love you darling & we better have many, many more great times to come (which includes going to see Wicked !!)

Dear Ryan,
Ok, where do I start? Well I guess I should start by staying I love and miss you like crazy. I miss when you lived in Milford and we could just randomly hang out or randomly go to McDonalds and then run around Milford. Oh yeah and I also love picking out our dream home in R.I. & then who can forget our long phone calls that lasted many hours & started out with sending each other icons. Haha and also of course how could I forget, ice & crystal blue eyes & why should you get the promotion, pssh cause you had the best smile in high school or you were the best dressed. Oh man I miss the good old days. Of course we had our “moments” but we got over it all. And even though I don't see you as much as I would like to anymore, I know that I’ll always love you no matter what and I’ll always, always care about you. Well I gues that all so now. I love & miss you deary, don’t ever forget that.

Dear Linsay,
Ahh, Linsay without the “d”. You are just too amazing for words, I’m going to miss cheering with you this season, it’s such a bummer that you have to get a job. We better still hang out & the day you get your license we’re going out !! Hehe. Yeah I totally love my Linsay & I love chatting on the phone with you when we umm “have nothing else to do”, tehehe. Ha, I remember you were the first person from BVT that I ever added to my friends on myspace and then we use to talk about cheering and then I met you for the first time at tryouts with you had you wicked sexy pink nylons & fish-nets on for dance. Hehe and come on how many people do you know go to the post office pub and sing karaoke for drunk people with you :) Oh and you know what else I just realized, umm we still haven’t gone to Applebee’s or slept on your trampoline, actually thinking about it we haven’t had a sleep over at all, oh man something need to be done about this, this is not good. Well I guess that’s pretty much all I have to say about my gorgeous and lovely Linsay. I love you dalringgg.

Dear Kristin.
Oh man do I miss you. You looked soo pretty at the cheerleading competition and you girlies did a very good job. Oh boy I don’t even know what to say about you. All I know is that you make my laugh like crazyyy. Eek, so great things about our friendship definitely include, cheerleading, dairy queen, trampolines, Scituate, math class, your pool, taking pictures, photo shoots with AWESOME outfits, photo shoots all around my backyard, trying to get in my pool without getting wet, running around my neighborhood while soaking wet at 10 at night, walking around town with Ryan when it was raining, candle-light deserts, hanging out at Rosey, BAND !!, the band trip, puddle hoping/swimming, gum balls, movie nights, Ipods, if I went on it probably wouldn’t all fit. Well I love & miss you x10 and I hope you having a nice time at MHS.

Dear Emily,
My sister from another mother !! I miss you, why do you have to live on the other side of the country in friggin Montana, it just not far. Well I remember when I first met you and you thought I was crazyyy and I thought you were really weird . But of course we then became amazing friends like woah and would can forget 7th grade, which was like the greatest year at Stacy. Haha French class was an effing riot, like when we use to “share” answers on the vocab test. But besides school, remember when we use to always walk around town or like go to the skate park and of course the school dances & going to Scituate. Some other amazing things about us..let’s see, the skate park, chalk, CRAYONS!!, Christina Aguilera, Chingy, who ever that kid was who thought we were sisters, Bantus!, Applebee’s & pretending it Charles birthday, oh & I forget his name but that guy that was the helper teacher for Mrs. Londergan, hehe &when you like Brian S. and he was like “she’s the girl with the silver eye shadow right?”, oh boy and then Charlie & his family, doing you make-up like Christina Aguilera, Paulie & Ray haha, the Portuguese Picnic where you first met Rebecca, or just the Summer of 2004 in general, I could seriously keep going for years, but it would make me miss you more than I already do. I seriously can’t wait until you come back and visit me in the summer.

Dear Nick,
Haha you’re just great. I don’t know how else to put it. I mean how many people do you know would stick up for me (you know what I’m talking about), smell my lip gloss, go to uno's when the power goes out :), eat all of my buffalo wings, haha and then of course come in the girl’s bathroom to get your keys, and of course I have more I could say about you but the greatest of it all its that your dating Miss Nicole Lynn Onanian who is by far one of the greatest people in the history of my life. So I guess that’s it bud.

And I just want to say to all my other friends (new & old) that I love each and everyone of you like crazy & I really have no idea where I would be without you all.
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