zoo pictures

Apr 21, 2004 14:24

start the day off right

metro with andrew and rachel is pure awesomeness

and today is full out lick day!

the aol man is waiting to greet us on a SEGWAY! (no, tom, im not crazy...)

rachel and andrew molest the poor bear

but kay and rachel molest a different one

never ending escalators...makes me scared of heights

and rachel is super tired...

full out lick...

and fall asleep against the car.

the zoo was pure sex...like i said before.

:-: first best friend = Morgan Coffey
:-: first job = babysitting
:-: first screen name = court4short
:-: first self purchased cd = blink182- Dude Ranch
:-: first funeral = my cousin Scott's
:-: first enemy = Courtney Huston probably
:-: first big trip = dont remember

:-: last big car ride = erm....o.O probably to Chenyville MD for vball
:-: last good cry = about a month ago.
:-: last library book checked out = The Social Contract
:-: last beverage drank = alcoholic? Corona
:-: last food consumed = some Chocolate Bunny
:-: last phone call = my mom
:-: last time showered = this morning
:-: last shoes worn = oh oh! you guessed it, MY CHUCKS
:-: last cd played = MSI- Frankenstein Girls
:-: last annoyance = its hot as fuck in here
:-: last shirt worn = err, i wore a dress today, but im wearin a blue tanktop right now
:-: last website visited = livejournal.com

:-: wallet = blue with white flowers
:-: underwear = hot pink and black
:-: tattoos = none, soon to be two stars on my hips
:-: hair = brown
:-: eyes = brown and gold
:-: hands = er, i've got 2! 5 fingers on each, pink nails on the left.
:-: feet = feet are ugly, i like to keep mine covered.
:-: room = posters and pictures and funny advertisements on my hott pink walls, black couch, black curtains, black loft bed, clothes strewn everywhere, random cd cases all over, candles, lighters,
:-: boyfriend/girlfriend = none, im a SUPER SINGLE KAY (they should make action figures of that!)
:-: parents = 2, theyre together, theyre uptight, but they're mine and i love them.

:-: [boxers or briefs] = boxers
:-: [plaid or striped] = plaid is rad, why did it get stuck as the boxer colour?
:-: [salt or pepper] = salt
:-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok
:-: [bright colors or dark colors] = bright and dark, i l ike contrast
:-: [tic-tacs or certs] = orange tic tacs
:-: [sunshine or rain] = im only happy when it raaaaiiiiiiiiiinsssssssss...psyche, i like both :-)
:-: [rain or snow] = thundershowers
:-: [sun or moon] = moon.
:-: [silver or gold] = silver.
:-: [silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = cotton is so comfy...but so is flannel, unless its hott out
:-: [preps or freaks] = dont label me :-)
:-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = with butter! im a popcorn monger!
:-: [ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish] = ketchup
:-: [shampoo + conditioner in one or seperate] = separate, but in large quantities for my long hair.

:-: an animal = cat. tiny women in fur coats
:-: a fruit = cherry or strawberry
:-: a vegetable = green bean!
:-: a color = pink
:-: a bug = butterflys are bugs too.

:-: are you smart? = i'd like to think so
:-: do you like onions? = meep, i suppose
:-: what instruments can you play? = flute
:-: what words do you overuse? "thats a dick punch", "facade", 'HOW YOU DOINNNN!"
:-: do you sleep with socks on? = nope, who does that?
:-: are you ticklish? = no .::shifty eyes::....well, maybe...and if by maybe you mean ALOT, then yes...MAYBE
:-: are you shy? = yes, but not always
:-: do you talk to yourself? = not outloud
:-: do you have a basement or an attic? = both
:-: did you go to preschool? = yep, La Petite Academy
:-: are you a morning person? = NOT a morning person doesnt even begin to describe it

:-: who you are closest to = Morgan and Bryan know the most about who i really am
:-: who makes you laugh the most = morgan/christie/rachel
:-: who is the most trustworthy = morgan and bryan cuz i've known them longest
:-: who has the best house = i dunno, i like all houses
:-: who is the most daring = Bryan
:-: who cares more about their hair then anything else= umm...o.O no one?
:-: who is most likely to become an actress = buffy!
:-: who makes you cry the most = tom cote...but not anymore
:-: who is the craziest = rachel
:-: who is the most flirty = all!
:-: who is most likely not going to call = no one calls me. yup, NO ONE....ever! so..no ones gonna call.
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