Dec 12, 2007 17:10
Homosexuality is an abomination according to The Bible. The recommended punishment for a male caught in the act of screwing another male is death. Hmmm…
What else is an abomination, according to The Bible?
-Eating the flesh of a peace offering.
-Touching anything unclean. including, but not limited to:
-a woman on her period, or who has just given birth
-a man with a skin disease
-a pig
-a shrimp
-an eagle
-a bat
-all winged insects that go upon all fours (apparently when God was dictating this part to moses, He forgot that He created insects with six legs. Ooops, God’s bad!)
-anything that swarms (football hooligans and shoppers on the day after thanksgiving too, I wonder?)
What other acts does the bible suggest a punishment of death for?
-cursing your mother or father
-sleeping with your neighbor’s wife
-sleeping with your daughter-in-law
-sleeping with both a woman and her daughter
-being a medium or wizard
-blaspheming the name of the lord
-working on Saturday
What is acceptable according to the bible?
-Slavery, including:
-owning slaves
-beating your slaves
-selling your children into slavery
-Prostitution (in fact, it’s preferable over masturbation)
If I hear one more rabid Christain (who's as bible illiterate as an infant) lecturing about my 'sins', I'm going to go apeshit all over their GOD DAMNED asses (oops, I did it again. Well, they already need to put me to death for what Amanda and I did this morning, so I guess it's okay. Actually, the bible never mentions female homosexuality, so parhaps I'm good to go?)