Jan 31, 2006 02:32
courtney says that when she can't sleep, she writes down everything she's thinking about. well. since i've been writing on paper all day, and some people like to keep up with people's lives on livejournal, i thought i would fuel some catching up and what not.
there seems to have been a lot on my mind lately.
the topic that is dominating recently are those ever-so-wonderful girls. i dont want to get into too much detail, because honestly i have no idea who reads this thing, and i wouldn't want anything (gasp!) bad or (bigger gasp!) embarassing to get out. let's just say that they are confusing, and there's a stupid freakin' web, not to mention that i, being my typical self, am completely indecisive and just as cautious as ever. sometimes i wish i could just say the hell with it and forget about my inhibitions when it comes to girls, but im really afraid of hurting anyone, letting people down, and letting myself down. that's a lot to risk when it comes to people i really care about. that, along with the fact that a lot of my friends have been gettng hurt with that shit lately, and it all just seems a little ridiculous when you zoom out and look at the grand scheme of things. what ever happened to the good old days??ok 'nuff of that.
TE and IAH are actually really interesting. i usually really enjoy going to class...but one thing that i'm getting out of it is the real mess that the world is in. the united states education system is quite the joke when it comes to funding and getting a consensus as to what people really want to get out of school, and what functions we want it to serve. add that in with a tablespoon of globalization and sweatshops and a pinch of no child left behind...well...we have ingredients for one fantastic disaster pie.
then there's just this whole stupid "i cant sleep to save my life" crisis i'm going through. now, i shouldnt complain because i got to sleep by around 4am "last night" which is a ton better than the 7am lights out for my brain that i had been experiencing the past few weeks...and last week i actually slept like three days in a row. but it's really bugging me that it requires so much effort. maybe it's just to get all this shit in my head sorted through...but i sure wish i could do that with a full night's rest that doesn't involve a nights worth of partying and wandering into parking lots half naked....uhhh?
i miss my parents. i think/hope they are coming up to east lansing soon. perhaps i will call them tomorrow.
i'm volunteering at the lansing refugee development center tomorrow for TE. i'm half nervous, half excited. it's my first chance ive gotten to really make an impact, and help someone out directly. i just hope the language barrier is sustainable to the point where i really can help. that would be great.
i want to get out of the united states. i think ive decided that after college, perhaps over the summer...im going to backpack across europe. any takers on a partner/group? i need to see the world. there's so much more out there than michigan and the industrialized world. granted europe might not be the best place to go to see a non-industrialized world, but at least it's not home. maybe i'll go to like...costa rica or something cool like that too.
i got a giant poster of john lennon today. it has the lyrics to imagine written out on it. what a great song. i dont think i want to get into how awesome it is/what it means to me...because i think this is the part of the entry where i say goodbye. see ya later. peace out.