Feb 16, 2005 21:56
okay so for everyone who wants to know, this is whats wrong with me.
every doctor so far has told me "well i dont know what it is, it could be alot of things" and given me no answers. ive had a cat scan and 4 mri's.
then i had to got to a neurosurgeon due to "possible bleeding"
i went today and finally got answers. my pituitary glands, which are at the base of your brain stem, or really in the exact middle of your head (making surgery very hard), were swollen for some reason or another, they put pressure on something cutting off the blood flow to them. they control all of the hormones in your body and are kind of like a 'motherboard of the body' for hormones. so the restricted blood flow caused a hemmorage, or bleeding inside my head. this caused more swelling and put pressure on the lining of my brain. since the brain and glands have no feeling, the hemmoraging wont hurt, but the pressure did, which was why i had that intense headache for two weeks, keeping me in bed the whole time.
now there is a chance i will lose some of or all of my periferal vision or sight in parts of one or both eyes so i have to get testing done by an optometrist to make sure that doesnt happen, but since i havent lost any yet, its not very likely to happen.
i also have to get blood tests done tomorrow at 8 am.
and my thyroids are not working properly since they arent gettting the proper hormones (something like that, im not exactly sure, its a lot to remember) and that is why i have had four consecutive colds since christmas, i am not strong enough to fight them, and get the majority of them that i come in contact with, instead ofthe normal one or two.
im so tired and worn out. ive had so much work to do this week and ive been sick so long, though its not a bad sick AT ALL anymore, and im SO greatful for that, im worn out beyond belief and im not going to school tomorrow after all the testing. i have so much to do, so i will come home and do that so that i can sleep more at night, which i am not doing and is very important for me. i feel like im slacking off but the doctors tell me not to try to do more than i can. im just so tired. but i feel whiny and lazy. :-/
so its nothing big, its just taking a toll on my body. and im so extremely lucky and greatful that its nothing worse.
well now you all know whats wrong since (some of) you cared.
emily, get happier, youre the best and i hope you like your lj.
adam i love you so much, thank you for everything you do for me every day. you are amazing.