Just some-things

Nov 06, 2007 10:38

I've just gotten online and--I have so many new things to say I don't know where to start!^_^

Alright, first, just to get them out of the way, about Sch**l the Terrible (it now has a title):

Yesterday was my first day back in sch**l. It was okay. I got to our alternative class, a seminar, one minute before it's scheduled start. Our class's 2D Graphics Animation and the seminar was on Comic Making, but it was okay, I learned a useful thing or two. Maybe. The speaker wasn't a very eloquent speaker (sorry), but he obviously knew his craft. His lecture was very short (I thought it was just an introduction, really) but the open forum was...tiring. They questioned him about one of his works, Beerkada, not about the lecture itself. But it was tolerable...until they just had to bring up the Dumbledore crack again. To quote, "Hello there, Harry. I'm your Head-Master." *sporfles* I did laugh with the others, I'll admit, but please! Enough with the DumbledoreXHarry talk/jokes! The yaoi fangirl in me is dying and I need it to write a future part in my NaNoWriMo novel!

My video production class was supposed to have a meeting at 2:30pm, right after the seminar, but since it adjourned early, I went to pick some documents up from my org-mates. The people I needed weren't where we usually hang out...but they came, and I was at our group's meeting place five minutes before. No one was there though, and I started messaging after five minutes of waiting. One of them quickly replied that they already had the meeting and there would be an online conference at 9pm so I went to finish processing our org's docus. I think about two-thirds of the way through, anoother member messaged me that there was no meeting because our other members weren't in sch**l yet, and there would be a conference at 9pm. Pft. Strike nth for the first-mentioned member--a few more and he'll get more than a walk-out from me. Seriously.

Anyway, I miscalculated the time it would take me to process the docus and was late for my next class, but that's ok. We'd finished our lessons for the exam on Friday last last week and our teacher was only discussing the answers on some exercise she'd had us work on before. Then she gave us a new set, to be discussed tomorrow (Wednesday) and sent us home. Sweet.

Got home and felt, augh, sick. Went to the loo twice, then finally to bed when my Mom and sister came home. Told them my best friend had messaged that she wanted us to keep whatever money is collected from the subdivision for them and she'll just get it when she needs it. Good choice. Asked mom to wake me up at 8:30 so I wouldn't miss the conference. She did, but I only rolled out of bed about two or three minutes before nine. Was second to the last to enter (the last one came an hour and 25 minutes later). My plan had been to finish the conference, go back to sleep, and wake up early to study for my exam tonight. It's the big exam, the second exam of the subject I'm failing. But here's what happened:

The conference went from 9pm to well-past 1am, the other members being occupied by whatever-else. And I say other members, because I really wasn't doing anything else except being in Pinoy!Wrimo chat at the same time, but not really being very talkative there. We still didn't have a plot for our commercial and then they were fighting and shit. The final decision? A trailer for a horror flick and we were to be at one of our groupmate's house, where we will be shooting, before five the following morning. Coupled with the went-much-much-longer-than I hoped conference, well, so much for sleep and studying.>_>

But I did sleepy. Like, for two hours or so. I haven't even had breakfast yet 'cause Mom's sick and needed rest and, damn! I was awake at four in the morning when I should still be in bed after such a late night 'til 7 or so. My dad drove me and we only got a little lost and then it turns out one of our groupmates couldn't come because he woke up at 4:30, when our other groupmate called and unintentionally woke him up, when they were supposed to meet to go together. So the plot was revised again and from actress I was demoted to twig bearer (so that it'll look like there were plants in front of the camera). Yay.

Point: I wasn't needed there anymore. But I love my two other groupmates--except for the fact that we wasted about an hour after our shooting to watch the first two episodes of Today in class 5-2 which, shall we say in their own words, is 'for the boys'. And I had to sit through it 'cause I didn't know the way to sch**l from that place. I couldn't study either because my notes are all in pdfs.

So I'm here at the computer laboratory this morning, resolved to finish this blog entry and then start my much needed but long-delayed review--but oh, there's this great classmate of mine again, reminding me of that damned interview that we need to cram four chapters of our document in two days. And he's sorry for not being at the shooting. Maybe I should forget about the interview in my sleepiness and be sorry for not being there too? Maybe.

Edit-before-I-even-post-this-whoa: So I did go to the interview (after making sure this was auto-saved, explaining the 'before-I-even-post-this' bit if you all are still with me). I'm glad I did 'cause I'm proud to say I was able to dish out more than a couple of questions. Just ones for clarifications though, 'cause my splittingheadache is killing me now. I hope our leader's questions are enough to write our docu-- because nope, gut instinct says "I don't think so..."

Take sch**l out of the equation, and there's not much left of this miserable existence it's all fun in the sun, of course! First off, while I couldn't put in more than a 100 words yesterday (I am soooooooooo behind the should-be word count >_<), I've put up my own novel journal! Check out what there is so far at
xcerpted_nano. Not a very ingenious username, I know, but can you believe even wishihadanangel was taken? O_o Anyway, please feel free to befriend and/or comment.=D

rpdichotomy's baby's been born!!^_^ Cassie is Sanzo-mun (or Sanzo's roleplayer) over at econtra (where I'm Gojyo-mun) and she's had her baby today! =D Or yesterday, since it's already November 6 for me (and I thought it was already the 7th until I went through this entry again!), lolz. Her husband was nice nough to fill us in using Cassie's journal--The baby was born 4:34 AM, November 5, 2007 and weighs 6 pounds and 8 ounces and is 17 inches long. Oh hearts!! But the best bit is the baby's name: WARDEN CHRISTOPHER WICKER!! Soooooo cute!!^_^ Happy, happy day for econtra! =D (Warden is the name of the head honcho of econtra and, yup, they named the baby after him. <3) Warden will grow up with some many virtual aunts, uncles, godfather and godmothers over cyberspace!^_^

*continues to -quietly, 'cause she's in sch**l- squeal for the next few minutes or so, going through her friends page and the comments to the post about Cassie's baby--yes, I lurv him so much already!^_^*

Oh. Now I remember why I thought it was November 7 already! It's the closing day for the wishlists at
yuletide_smut. And I was thinking if I'm going to write mine, and if I was going to, then I needed to do it tonight before sch**l bites me in the ass and I forget. So, it follows that I thought it's November 7 today...right? Hahaha. I'm not making any sense, I know.

Anyway, I've only pimp'd it to one person so far (and she somehow managed to trick me into promising her a 35 Secret Santa :.:- how is that Secret?! - I can pretend I don't know.- You can't! - Why not? - Because--! Because--!! *splutters* - Thanks!! I'll be waiting! -:.: but nothing graphic, she said, so I don't think she'll be joining the exchange even though she said she's gonna watch and I told her only gift-receivers will only be able to read the fics to trick her into joining but I don't think it worked). Soooo...GO JOIN! *pokes all Saiyuki writers/fans out there and sends them to
yuletide_smut. <3 <3 <3

Hmm...what else? Nothing else, really. And I really should start reviewing for my exam tonight. Now. Pass or die, I tell ya. If I fail this exam, then this subject's going to the dogs. >_<

Word count of this blog entry (lolz!): 1528, says MSWord. *blinks and staaaaaaaares* Again, I can only hope to write as much for my novel. Oh, do I hope! *le sigh*

econtra, saiyuki, nanowrimo, sch**l, yuletide_smut

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