Er...Yeah. I owe those who actually care a life update. Um. I'll make one soon as something actually happens to me. As it is I've spent the last three weeks eating and sleeping and getting fat. That is all.
Meme time~.
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shin_michael 01. If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with
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Aawww, Yama-chan~! >w<
Eh, give me a person for that picture meme thing, might as well do it sense linlin already gave me someone too. :P
I asked my hubby and she said you dun' watch Reborn. I think this is the Reborn pic meme, yeah? SASUKE.
I don't watch it. . .yet. . .but I've read the first book and I've been looking stuff up about it XD I'm mainly doing that because I'm supposed to cosplay I-Pin. :P AND I JUST DON'T WANT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT SASUKE RIGHT NOW >.
I thought you said you like memes? Too bad. You get Saaaaaasuke
EWWWWW SASUKE >.> Fiiiiine..../siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
XDDD Go for it and be nice~ (I luff him).
Alright, alright >.>; (I secretly still kinda like him...AND I'M ASHAMED TO SAY IT ;;)
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