Why do spiders have eight legs? It's been years since I last fangirled Kurapika hard--OK, not really. I think it was only last year that I was RP-ing him at Soel--but god, I still hate them. Not fear, hate.
And now it's my right eye that's swelling. Is there something in there that's crawling across my face or something? Oh god, and I've got a photoshoot this Sunday too.
The photoshoot that makes me want to tear my hair out. I was this close to starting a fight with the group leader yesterday.
It shouldn't be this hot at four in the morning.DX
*blinks* OK, looks like the pics have finished uploading. All images were taken by either Kiben-sama (TYL!Fuuta) or Naomi (Bianchi) and those that have his watermarks were edited by Kiben-sama. Click on the pics for larger versions.
A random group pic of us on our way to lunch. One of only two group pics I'm in, unfortunately (the other being just another shot of this). I left my dark blue necktie at home and Muku-chan forgot the black necktie I usually use so Juudaime lent me a shiny red one. First year necktie.OTL
Myself as Gokudera Hayato during lunch at KFC. Bianchi was sitting across the table from me.
The Right-Hand Man doing his job...and looking like a total dork, LOL.
Reflection thingie-thing. I've left by this time and TYL!Mukuro and 2TYL!Lambo have gone off to the cosplay assembly. Videos of their catwalk (by Kiben-sama) below.
Cool group pic.
Haru came late though she'd been txt-ing us since lunch.
Our two Mukuros and the not-pineapples.
Something random.
And something else. TYL!Fuuta doesn't look distressed enough considering that's Lambo there on the floor. I love him mostly 'coz of the way he became Lambo's caretaker. His reaction in that generator room episode? Really touching.♥
Dunno where they got the placards. Some of the members were sick, so.
(GIF, please click) MJ tribute. I don't know, don't ask.
TYL!Mukuro's catwalk. So cool and so ghei.
Click to view
2TYL!Lambo's catwalk. So cool and then so dorky. Boku wa dare dai~
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