*is incredibly annoyed* I've placed my money stash for Canada inside Carrot (aka Bunny-chan, my stuffed toy rabbit) and mom ripped hir open.DX It's such a small thing, but I'm so annoyed! I got hir back but I still got to check later if she took any of the money, find a different place for it, and stitch Bunny-chan back up. She tore through the material instead of the stitches!DX
EDIT: By 'took', I meant 'took any of the money to place in the bank'. My mom will never take what I earned myself, I don't think (though she must have wondered where I got all dough...I've been saving up since last year after all). I don't have access to my bank account though.DX
theskywasblue gave me Kenren~
1. Do you like this character?
Yup! Kenren's gotta be my favorite Saiyuki Gaiden character.
2. What name/names do you call this character?
Uh...just Kenren, actually. Or "Rambunctious General Kenren of Goujun the Dragon King's West Army" for the lulz. I squee when Goku calls him Ken-nii though, and my Tenpou, Konzen and Gyokumen still call me 'Ken-chan'.
3. What image-color do you associate with this character?
Black! It's his favorite color (Saiyuki profiles, yo), he looks great and downright sexy in his uniform and I prefer black-haired manga!Kenren to red-haired anime!Kenren.DX
4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
Erm..."Popeye the Sailorman"
From Heaven we're army men! (puff! puff!)
We'll destroy Li Touten's plan! (puff! puff!)
With Konzen and Goku~
We'll save Nataku!
From Heaven we're army men! (puff! puff!)
Oh lulz. Just kidding. (And we made that song way back in 2006 so it's inaccurate like whoa). Maybe "I'm Bringing Sexy Back" or "I'm Too Sexy for my (non-existent) Shirt"? *is shot*
5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
Japanese Blood Types and Personality. I'd say O, though he could be a B too.
6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
TENPOU. They are freaking MARRIED.
7. What would you want to say to this character?
8. Which do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug or kiss?
Kiss. Hug! He's really the big brother-type!♥ and Tenpou will kill me!
If you want to play along, say so and I'll give you a character to talk about~.
So...is 'Douji' a title or Konzen's name?O_o