I don't even know how many times I said "I give up!" this year, but still kept going. I'm saying I'm surprised, but I'm actually more tired than surprised. Or numb. Something like that. Anyway, congrats to all the other winners out there and hope to see you next year!
Quoted from xcerpted's post at Regional Forum's Winners' Thread:
17k in one day. NEVER AGAIN. I had to do so much crappy writing I'll need to delete upon editing--and you know how it is much easier to write about something you love? In a moment of desperation, I had one of my characters find his best friend's fanfiction notebook, get caught, and be told of Hakkai's, Sanzo's, Gojyo's and Goku's past. In how many words? 11k.
That's 1/5 of my novel I'll have to edit out.T_T
There's a grammatical error or two somewhere there, I just can't tell where right now. My writing is downright atrocious right now, but I've got to keep writing. If I can finish my YS prompt in time, I'll be one happy girl. And if I can have my thesis work done or, at least, get a bit done and not be scolded at by my thesis leader? I'll be deliriously happy. Sans the fact that I have an exam on Tuesday, and a paper and an exam on Wednesday. It is the week before the final week of sch**l aka HELL WEEK.
...My latest earphones (less than two weeks old) are broken. Both ears. Damnit.
P.S. Some of you guys who I regularly IM with would know how I would get dc'd every few minutes due to poor internet connection. Well, no more. We have DSL now (finally!) and I've downloaded and watched an episode each of Boku no Sexual Harrassment and Boku no Pico to try and psych myself up for YS. They killed my brain (and ears) instead. Not to mention, wasted writing time. But now at least I know my (apparently very low) tolerance level of yaoi smex. *blushes furiously*