Maybe blogging would clear my head...
I should be catching up on my sch**lwork which I didn't last Sunday because I got kidnapped by PastImperfect players into group chat.<333 but yet again Econtra pulls a fast one and I'm stuck tending to my pups. 3 hours later however...I realize that the only ones I get to actually post in their journal are OU!
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You know I'd still be waiting excitedly though. *hugs*
Reply look forward to AU!Hakkai fairly soon (because I do want to finish up on my AU!Kallen app first, I've been working on that for over a month. ^^;;;).
I miss you! *HUGS*
I miss you, too! *GROMPS*
Oh, he'll be in many relationships. It's the self-destruct kind of angst. Want to add Schu to hif f*ck list?^_-
*gromps back!*
Man!whore.xDDD Gojyo-muse is screaming protest in the background. I'm the evil!mun here, pup. Shut up!>D
Also, amusing randomness: while writing this comment, I stopped to clean my glasses, and as I did, my computer started slipping from my lap. I had a moment of "computer! glasses! computer! glasses", and then I dropped both of them. It was epic phail, and then I saw that your icon in the comment before this said "phail," and I was amused.
Aww! I hope they're both okay? And I wasn't predicting your demise, I swear!xDDDD
Also... *Pokes for a comment from you on your crossover drabble*
[ooc: oops. righto.]
o///////o I'm glad you enjoy it. It's very...*runs out of words* Well, anyway, I always end up putting a lot of thought into my AUs. I get really attached to them, too... But yeah, that's why both Envy's and Hakkai's AU's are complete worlds of their own, and not just a bit of a change. I don't know, somehow these aren't just a thing where I just change something and leave it at that, it's something where I've really got to think through all the little changes that add up to the big ones, and how all the changes affect things, all while still making things seem like the OU still... Gah. My AUs eat my brain, the end.
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