Bitten again by the Cosplay Bug

Jan 27, 2008 00:24


I've been bitten again by the cosplay bug. So instead of writing like I had fully intended, all I did today was go through lovely cosplay pictures, the multiply sites of old friends, and random musing/dreaming of whether or not I should go to the upcoming events. In the lamest ever attempt to shake off the bug, I spammed set about adding to my cosplay resume at See, some characters I couldn't just copy right off my character pages at, because CPH rules insist that we post pictures of us alone, and not with our groupmates. Being a group player, most of my pics are like that. So I spent much of the afternoon looking for old pictures, cropping, making collages...and hora, I filled all the slots in CPH's entry page:

When I really should have been writing instead. Gawd, I fail so much. *whimpers* T__________T 


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