Jun 07, 2009 05:15
I feel like fate is always fucking with me. But I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in free will, either. I believe in *mostly* free but ultimately bound will.. Let me explain. Fate suggests in connotation that there is some intelligent order involved in predestination. It puts purpose and meaning behind happenings, but it is *us* assigning that meaning.
Assuming the big bang theory is at least somewhat true, when the hydrogen molecules were first dispersed, that pretty much decided everything. Every supernova sends more stellar matter around and new stars but it all goes back to the start. And everything that makes us is part of just some random star dust. We can't change that initial happening. We're set in motion. It is done. After all, time is just a measurement of motion. Measurements are man made. The universe knows time about as well as it knows Sausage McMuffins, Barak Obama, Harley Davidson motorcycles, or,even the simple act of knowing anything at all. It doesn't know it at all.
But, I digress. It feels like fate is fucking with me--that is, the idiosyncratic human facade we call "fate" in order to assign some kind of purpose to coincidence and chance. Luck. I feel like I can't get a girlfriend right now because fate won't let me until I fix myself. And I think I've done some work in that department, but still have a ways to go in improvement. I need to be more responsible. I need to be more honest. I need to be more clear about what I want. I need to be more clear about how I feel. But until I do those things, I won't find anyone worth being with no matter how much I want it.
I don't feel the universe works in this way at all. But I do think it helps to assign it meaning. It helps to sort everything out. It helps to make sense of the chaos with whatever puny-human brain way I can.
The title of this post is the acronym for the title of the book I'll probably never write. But to me it is not so much important that I write it as it is that I entertain myself with it during my daydreams. If I ever feel the true calling to bring these daydreams out, I'll do so with relentlessness.