Cleaning out my friends list

Sep 17, 2003 17:56

i was venting in my journal the other day, and some how the person i was venting about got a hold of the entry. theres a reason i didnt give her access to that entry, it was an emotion i was feeling at the moment and knew id be over it quickly, but just had to vent so im cleaning out my friends list to only people i trust and those that live so far away, that i dont care what they read. some one gave her the enrty word for word. what sucks most about it is i dont want to start a bunch of drama over something that i feel for 5 min. so once again my trust has been violated. i put myself in such stupid situations. i guess its really my fault. i should have been more careful to keep that entry to my self, which i thought i did.

to those that stayed, please dont hurt me or lose my trust because, its really hard to gain it back.

btw... to whom ever did that, you didnt just hurt me, you hurt her too.
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