Feb 24, 2005 09:29
"you used to be so carefree and happy michael.... what happened to you??.."
those words keep ringing in my head. when i woke up this morning, i took a quick glance at my 1990-1991 kindergarten class photo from my Floresta days. there was little blonde Michael.. missing teeth, but smiley as could be. i miss those days. i've let the bad things in life eat away at me.. and now i'm torn up inside. i seriously could not tell you how i feel about anything, if i even feel. i feel weak. i feel used. i feel ugly... but i don't feel. i wish so badly i could jump up and break free from these chains ive slowly wrapped myself up in and now are kiling me.
...but this isn't about pitying myself. this is a sincere apology.
... i seriously cannot express how sorry i am to all of you who tried to stop me from becoming this way. i would take back everything i've done and said, if it were that easy.
i hate myself. ...no fucking more. it ends right now.