Jun 01, 2011 00:20
If you were supposedly best friends with someone and they were at a really low point in their life and if they out right told you to just be there for them, and to just be there to hold them to be a support system and a comfort, dont you think that with no questions asked and no doubt in your mind that you would make every effort to get to that person as soon as possible, no matter what time or how long it took you?
I know I would do that for my best friends that are here. If they called me up, heck they didn't even have to call me, if I were to just read it somewhere they had it up on the web, I would make it a point to call them and ask them how they were coping. I would make every effort to get to them if they needed me with them, no matter the time, distance or traveling means. I would get there.
So with all that known, why is it that right now, when I'm feeling that way, that I have to be the one to tell the news? Why do I have to be the one to make the effort? Why do I have to even ask permission? Am I REALLY not that worth it to you? Is OUR FRIENDSHIP not that worth it to you? Is ANYTHING we have or had not that worth it to you?
I hope to God that I'm actually wrong and that I am worth it, that our friendship is worth it, that everything that we have and had has been all worth it. Fucking show me and prove me wrong.