Jan 15, 2009 19:49
This isn't a post about art or anything like that. I became a victim of a virtual crime two days ago and I just want to let other's know what they can do to avoid this. Cause it really, truly, fucking sucks. Somehow, someone hacked into my World of Warcraft account. After a brief breakdown knowing that my lvl 80 hunter that I had worked tirelessly on for months was now in someone elses hands, doing god knows what. Matters got worse when my boyfriend and my brother confirmed that that particular character had been deleted. Now I began thinking about whether it was possible for Blizzard to restor my character. Whats more, my gear and other items were no doubt gone, as was my gold. What really struck a nerve was that my reputation which I had spend hours grinding to get would also be gone, as was my achivements that I worked so hard to collect. My brother was sweet enough to offer to give me his lower lvl hunter, even getting my a pet dinosaur like I had had. Although this was sweet belong belief it wouldn't be the same. After spending some time talking to a person at customer support, I was given a new password and told to contact a GM in game to begin the process of recovering my hunter. I got to play for an hour before I was permenantly kicked from the game. My only notice was that my account had violated Blizzards laws and did something to 'disrupt the WOW economy.' So now, not only do I have to go through the time consuming process of attempting to get some simplence of my old character back, now I have to wait for Blizzard to reopen an investagtion about the actions of my account.
I wish I could let the person who did this to me know how much they have hurt me. How much they have taken from me. WOW accounts might not be physical things but people, like me, have pour hours/days of time and energy into these characters and to just have deleted it so, I wish I could return the favor. I hate people.
If you have a WOW account, don't just ignore the Blizzard tips as I did. I can happen to you. Whether they used a keylogger or something, I don't know. We have swept my computer for virus and it was clean. I urge you to do the same, scan your computer! Make sure you don't visit bogus sites that happen to look like WOW sites. Change your account password. My boyfriend actually ordered us WOW tokens - something that creates a new password every few minutes.
Ok, I'm going to go back to crying tears of frustration now. I hope this never happens to anyone else, even though I know it will cause many people are asses and deserve nothing more then death.
wow anger