(no subject)

Jan 14, 2009 20:40

Hi guys,
I know I haven't posted in awhile... or like ever.  Going to change this to a sort of art commission site.  I am an animator but I also paint on clothes/bags/walls/ (maybe one day cars lol).  Of course I can't paint on your walls since you probably live far away but I want to share my skills with you guys.  There is so much I want to do but it seems cost ineffective to clutter my house with painted bags/clothes that will probably never get to see the light of day.  So here you go.

From an artistic standpoint I am proficient in:
character creation
2D animation
3D animation

(if for some reason you are in need of any of the above) lol

Otherwise, I do enjoy my fanart (which is why you are probably here, right?)
I can do any style you want, on practically any medium you might wish.  My most notable stuff is panted on pants, jackets, and bags.

My prices are not outrageous so I hope you will take a look!

(Prices may vary but for the most part are as follows:
        black and white 8.5 X 11 print      -          10$
         colored 8.5 X 11 print                    -          15 - 20 $
        painted jeans                                  -           40 $ (price varies depending on whether I have to buy the jeans for you)
        painted jacket                                  -           30 $
        painted bag                                     -            30$

Just let me know if you want it on something else!

I will post examples soon!!!!

commissions, art, painting

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